Friday, October 31, 2003


ini numpang internet
lelet lagi
trus gue nya pilek lagi
jakarta lg musim ujan n banjir
ada perubahan cuaca
jadinya pada bersin n pilek
salah satunya gue deh

aduh senin ada plan mau hunting
:valuable things:
moga2 aja dapet :)

dah ah
mau cek email
sapa tau ada dr lauren :)

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Today is Thursday. Rasanya udah lama neh ga isi diary ini :)
Terakhir akses internet was on last Friday. Lama juga neh, udah hampir seminggu ga akses.
Banyak kejadian, yg menyenangkan this week, but right now gue lagi pilek and idung tersumbat gitu, ga enak banget. Udah itu nginep di tempat om gue lagi.

Starting last Saturday, pagi2 sih ga ngapa2in, ikut ke bhk jemput ade2 yg pulang sekolah trus belanja sebentar ke supermarket, buy pocari sweat. Sore harinya gue beres2in kertas2 n dokumen2 yg mau gue simpan n minta nyokap bawa pulang ke Pontianak. Malamnya ke airport jemput ortu n ade, dengan disupiri oleh agus :) yang baru bisa bawa mobil, sekalian ngetes kemahiran agus berkendaraan.

Sampe rumah udah jam 8an gitu, eh sempat dihp-in ama Clara minta gue nginep. Tuh anak kacian amat, nyokap nya pergi retret, anaknya kesepian, jadi deh gue temenin dia, Cuma suasana ga enak aja tuh :(.

Minggu ke gereja abis itu ke tempat Lau Kim ( my nanny :)) udah lama banget ga ketemu. Pulang2 udah sore trus sleep deh
Senin gue lebih panik lagi neh, nungguin hasil test kemaren. Tapi pagi2 udah sempat ke TA bareng 3 a kou. Bokap di sms-in bingung gue bilang 3 a kou. Ga sempat belanja ke Body Shop, padahal kan lagi diskon tuh, kan gue lagi tunggu kesempatan itu. Tapi ga pa pa sih, udah sempat dikasih 1 set parfum body lotion and sabunny White Musk ama om gue sih, Cuma sayang gue ga gitu suka ama parfumnya, tapi demen lotionnya doang. Kapan ya gue belanja ke body shop? Mana tgl 2 nov nanti itu terakhir diskonnya ?

Selasa, pagi2 soi ku dateng jemput, breakfast dulu trus ke sunter deh ke tempatnya 2 ie, heran deh, nyokap kl ke jkt selalu pengen ke sunter ketemu ama cicinya ? gue aja yg ga suka, abis anak2nya udah pada gede2 n udah ga kenal lagi, jadinya gue bisanya Cuma diem2 doang. Si kevin jg diem doang karna ga kenal ama anak2 2 ie. Maklum aja mereka ga pernah pulang ke ptk, gimana gue mau kenal. Oh ya ada tuh 1 anak 2 ie, gue tau namanya doang tapi ga kenal ama mukanya soalnya pernah telp2an and sempat ngobrol lama sih, trus ketemu di weeding partynya Candra, tapi kok gue dah lupa ya tampangnya. Wah ini mesti salahin Candra neh, kenapa suruh gue jadi penerima tamu, akibatnya gue kan jadi ga inget muka2nya sepupu2 gue yg lain.
Oh ya, ampir lupa, this is the good news of the day!! Neneng sms, bilang dia udah di sampe di rumahnya di semarang, trus sms lagi (i was on the way to sunter) bilangin hasil ielts dah keluar, wahgeu panik campur penasaran ama band gue berapa neh, trus sms deh ke niko tanyain hasil gue. Ternyata gue dapet 7, nilai yg gue idam2kan :) Thx Jesus, Thx Mary. Yg agak mengejutkan itu adalah listening gue 9, berarti gue salahnya Cuma 1 ato 2 doang dong ?
Gue ampe bingung tapi seneng she, gimana ga seneng, pas tes listenngnya sempat diulang 2 kali kok :) jadi pengen tau neh scorenya si “Buaya” berapa ya ? abis udah huan nang (this is an expression in Teo Chew language) hau lian lagi (this is also, if oneone don’t understand, just forget it, ok ? )
Wo zhen de hen gao xing!! God always bless me :)

Back to topic, abis ke sunter sempat singgah ke WTC mangga dua, duh barangnya murah2 tapi gue ga ada mood buat belanja, pengen melihat hasil ielts, belum liat ga percaya ada nilai 9. abis ke WTC ke hotel tempat soi ku n fam nginep. Asik jg she. Take a rest for a while Cuma ga mandi aja hehehe. Abis nyokap ga mau mandi sih. Ya sudah, niatnya makan di hotel itu malah ga jadi gara2 ga sukses ngumpulin sodara2 ke sono. Pada macet sih, ya sutralah, jadinya makan di pangeran jayakarta. Kl orang pontianak pasti tau tuh pangeran jayakarta, pusat makanan pontianak di jakarta.

Pulang udah ampir jam 9 an eh kompleks mati lampu nayala bentar trus mati lagi. Jam 11an baru nyala. This was my second time in jkt mati lampu.

Rabu pagi ke airport lagi deh, anter nyokap. Duh pengen ikut pulang tapi keperluan gue blm terbeli semuanya neh.
Siang ke mangga dua, niatnya beli kacamata biasa n hitem, baru kebeli yg biasa, yg item belum neh mesti tunggu sepupu gue yg satunya lagi neh.
Trus nginep di meruya.

Kamis, ga kemana2 Cuma baca komik doang. Bales dendam neh gue.
Udah gitu doang ah cape ngetiknya.
Yg baca jg pasti cape

Friday, October 24, 2003

Judgement day is over
Finally, the test is owver
Yesterday was like, I don’t know, quite scarry, exciting and I don’t know how to express this feeling.
Around 8.15 am, I entered the test room, my id number was 001433. This was not a good number I think L
But what can I do ? I can do nothing. Just take a deep breath. I side next to speaker so there was not problem with that. But my other friends haave problem with that. I think I have did my listening well. But not for the reading. The reading topics was actually I familiar with, the topics were ants, economic/trading and mapping. I have read topics like that before. But I just cant finished it on time. I thought I send my time to long on passage 2. Next test was writing. The topic was not difficult. Task 1 was ok, 2 diagrams describe about 2 different things. For task 2, talking about government spending on public services or the arts.

Well after the test, I have lunch and then back to the test room to have my speaking test.
I think I was lucky, being the last person in my groups to be interviewed. I asked them what topics they were asking. And I have the same topic with Fitri and Zahrul. Part 2 topic, what is the best gift/ present that u ever received. Thank’s God, I already prepared on that topic. I have a feeling that I would have that topic, too.
I finished the test around 2 pm. Then we went to Marinara at Sarinah. The whole class enjoyed the food, even Lauren, too. She returned our assignments, last presentation and critical review. Then we asked Pak One to give closing speech, which was quite funny, then gave some little present to Lauren, Task 2 essay and cloth. Speaking about task 2, I will post it soon!! At 5 pm the party was over. I go home by bus and u know what ? it took 2,5 hours to get to Grogol. But it is ok, no problem although I was little bit tired.

When we gave Lauren the presents, She was happy and almost cried. My tear almost fall down to, gimana sih bhsnyanya berkaca2? Gile gue terharu banget neh, meskipun di awal2nya gue aga2 minder gitu but kok rasanya kompak banget in three months ? I wish tomorrow never comes.

But anyway, today is closing ceremony day
Start at 9 am but I already here at around 7 am.
Aduh sedih and kangen rasanya ama IALF ini, although I only spend 3 months here. Rindu boo. Dapet sertificat and teacher’s comment. Foto2 and lunch
Aduh I don’t know how to write my feelings on words. Susah amat neh

Besok2 mesti buat new plan biar ga bosen, buy laptop :)
This is the good thing to start :)

Dah ah
Mau ke forum dulu
abis itu pulang biar sampe rumah pas nonton f2 di indosiar

Wednesday, October 22, 2003


it's me again
today i attended x-culture class
first, i thought it would be a test
but guesss.....

it was a game
actually family 100 game :)
the questions are about Australia, of course,
haha quite fun :) n release my stress a bit

then went back to my class
we did nothing but watching the video
Lauren tricked us by telling us that we were going to watch
a video about tips and secrets of ielts :)
but it was a comedy film. well it was about Mr. Beans taking the test.
I have watched that before so when the film started, i already realised that was Mr. Beans
then we watched Flawty something, gitu lupa judulnya
quite difficult comedy drama, it was because of its accent. Pure British
I have a problem with that.
udah ah diajak lunch

Now im back from lunch
cukup cepat
makan bakmi ayam aja
cepat n cukup mengenyangkan :)

eh ketemu ama lauren simon n steve
pada makan jg di kantin
herannya tiap kali gue makan mie kok ketemu ama mereka ya ?
duh si simon kok ga ganti baju ya?
kemaren pake baju putih now jg
apa ga bau tuh ?
jakarta kan kotor ?
idih jorok, laen hal kl pake di rumah doang buat tidur :)

abis jam 2 today komputer di sini ga bisa dipake lage neh
i will miss those days :)
and i will miss the class too
but my friend Iffy, always saying Asyik, going home
sebel deh gue
mana now she is sitting next to me :)
and talking bout what she had for lunch and why she was losing her appertise yesterday.

now i already try to not give much attention for tomorrow test
or should i go to Cl after class? buys something or just go home ?

Mum is going to cirebon at 1 pm
I wish I can joint them too
make me jealous. But i think i had promised my my uncle that i will go to his house after i finish my course
but i still have a lots of things to do
such as borong laptop, digicam, discman
yg dibilang ama blue, borongan gue kelas berat semua hehehe.
Tapi mau gimana lagi ?
gue butuh semua itu, in order to survive in other continent next year :)

bye bye XT, Bye2 ZZ
When will I see you ?
I hope I can see you ot meet you some day next year
I have a dream that i will meet you someday in the future
*berharap boleh dong ?

dah ah
gue mau ke tagboard dulu belajar2
eh kok ga belajar buat tes ya ?

tinggal 1 hari lagi neh

lagi baca report ttg F2 di webbie nya indosiar neh
sebel banget neh
untung g ga nekat ke sono buat nyusup
banyak yg ga bisa masuk
tinggal liat aja deh di tipi
untung mc nya rani, ga malu2in gitu
tapi hoki banget sih rani itu

ok, back to topic
gue udah mulai panik ga ketulunggan neh
terutama soal writing n reading bagian yes no not given

aduh be prepared aja deh
God Bless me :)

Ni hue ba !!

Ni yi ding chen kung !!

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Final judgement day is on the way!!
2 hari lagi nehhh

ah cerita dulu ahh
kemaren sore dpt sms dr blue
repotnya : ga dapet tix buat M&G F2 sebel deh
trus kasih info lg
doi lagi pdkt ama orang yg kenal ama sony
tapi gatot :(

sudah lah
semalam saling menghibur diri, karna bukan jodoh ya ga dapet ketemu deh ama F2
but I cant believe that I breath the same air :)
and they stay in the same city

because ga dapet tix, gue pasrah deh and move my attention to my final judgement day
wah gue buat seperti udah mau kiamat aja yah ?
tapi buat support gue jg sih !!

eh bukannya support gue, sepupu gue malah pikirnya gue udah selesai tesnya
n then she gave me some useful advices :)
take a deep breath, drink or eat something
I only worry about my writing nothing else.
jadinya sms2an ama dia n blue deh
trus suddenly my old friend sms jg
tanyain udah selesai tes ato belum
tumben2nya dia sms
padahal sebelumnya ga pernah sms

orang yg pengen gue ketemu juga seh
udah lama ga ketemu only meet through sms only
never imagine that she would sms me :)

my mum is coming to visit me for a day
and then continue her travel to Cirebon to my uncle's house and then go to yogya
to visit my sister :)

There are a lot of problems need to be fixed.
tadi pagi i woke up at around 5
gile aja, ga bisa tidur gitu. kepikiran terus neh ielts nya
pusing gue
bisa2 waktu exam gue colaps deh
moga2 aja ga tuh
and gue bisa pass my exams easily :)

Monday, October 20, 2003

Just finished having my lunch
it is a bit early, right ?
It is already become my natural process now :)
but it going to end soon ( i mean this process)

kayanya gue jarang banget deh isi2 di sini :)
ya that is due to my mood
kadang lagi pengen ngisi eh kiri kanan my spectators
jadi males deh
trus pada isengin lagi
kan jadi sebel

aduh udah cek ke disctarra n indosiar
ga dapet tuh (kayanya) tiket buat ntn meet and Greet F2
senasib deh ama Harle yg nun jauh di other continent

kayanya masing2 sekrang lagi sibuk deh
ada yg sibuk chasing F2, ada yg sibuk kerja, ada yg sibuk ujian (just like me :P)
then ada yg sibuk ngosipin orang, ada yg loose contact ama temennya, ada yg lagi busy macam2. ga tau deh
it is look like everyone is on their own. Dont know why.

Then (sad thing) I have no chance to meet F2
(o alah, back to this topic again )

In this few days, my efforts on studying will be tested.
All of my concentration will lead to my test these days
so sorry if i dont reply or write emails
or commenting on forums, which i will really miss.

I am trying to watch english channels programs to 'tune' my ears to english :)
We'll see how it work!!

then, my collegeas are busy fotocopying practice test while i am busy typing this:)
so no one will disturb me in a moment.
It seems that everyone already finished their lunch.

well there is nothing i can say more here, at least for now.

new day has begun
3 day to the countdown

I am worrying about my test on Thursday

Wish me luck friends :)

Friday, October 17, 2003

just finished my mock speaking test
i had this test with Simon
He is cute but his voice and face does not represent this performance
*apa coba ini ?
n now i can online and forget my coming exam on Thursday
this is night mare

Guys, please doain gue ya biar sukses :)
that's all for today

i think i have a lots of promise to fullfill
tunggu gue udah selesai exam deh
i promise

Thursday, October 16, 2003

one more lyrics ....
with translation

Kebahagiaan yang hilang

At The Dolphin Bay Ending Theme Song
By Angela Zhang

Hai te se nien mien yen pu cie
Ingatan akan lautan terus menerus tak putus
Cung yi he thian
Akhirnya suatu hari
Cai ti ting hu sien ciao huei
Saling bertemu di horizon
Ai ru kuo cou te kou yuen
Cinta bila berjalan cukup jauh
Ying kai ye huei ken sing fu siang cien
Pasti bisa bertemu dengan kebahagiaan

Cheng nuo chang chang hen siang hu thie
Perjanjian sering bagaikan seekor kupu-kupu
Mei li te fei
Terbang dengan indahnya
Phan sien ran hou pu cien
Berputar-putar lalu menghilang
Tan wo siang sin ni kei wo te she yen
Namun aku percaya janjimu padaku
Ciu siang yi ting huei lai te chun thien
Bagai musim semi yang pasti datang

Wo she chung tai ce ni ai te wei siao
Aku selalu membawa senyuman yang kau sukai
Yi lu shang sin cao wo yi she te mei hao
Di sepanjang jalan mencari kebahagiaanku yang hilang
Pu siao sin tan lei hua cui ciao
Tidak berhati-hati membuat air mata jatuh ke sudut bibir
Ciu yung ni wo kuo te shou mo tiao
Lalu terhapus oleh tanganmu yang mengepal

Cai tuo te feng cing ye chung pu thing khao
Pemandangan yang begitu banyak pun selalu tak mau berhenti
Ce yi sin sin cao wo yi she te mei hao
Hanya sepenuh jiwa mencari kebahagiaanku yang hilang
You te ren shuo pu ching na li hao
Ada seseorang yang mengatakan dengan tidak jelas mana yang bagus
Tan ciu shei tou thi tai pu liao
Namun tak ada seorangpun yang bisa menggantikannya

Cai cuei khai she te na yi miao
Di detik-detik yang paling awal
You sie she cao yi cing cu ting yao tao lao
Ada beberapa hal sudah diputuskan untuk menjadi selamanya sejak awal
Suei ran ming yin ai khai wan siao
Meskipun nasib suka mempermainkan
Cen sin huei he cen sin yi tao
Namun ketulusan pasti bertemu dengan ketulusan

Journey (Hai Tuen Wan Lien Ren (Ost : Dolphin Bay)
Angela Chang

It's a long long journey
Till I know whera I'm supposed to be
It's a long long journey
And I don't know if I can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes
I am lost and know that I must hide
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you

Many days I've spent
Drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what's my purpose
Wondering how to make me strong

I know I will falter I know I will cry
I know you'll be standing by my side
It's a long long journey
And I need to be close to you

Sometimes it feels no one understands
I don't even know why
I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul
Will you break down these walls and pull me through?

Cause It's a long long journey
Till I feel that I am worth the price
You paid for me on calvary
Beneath those stormy skies

When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feel like everything is out to make me lose control
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you

*this is a nice song :)
kemaren seorang ABC (aliigator buaya crocodile) gue kadalin jg neh
abis nekat amat sih sit next to me ?
tiap ada kesempatan jg sit next to me!
rese banget

I'll write detail soon!! :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

pasang tag board
kok nongolnya seperti itu ya ?
aduh ga tau deh
masih gaptek neh
pemula banget neh

somebody helpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
actually I have a lots of things to day but
when i face the screen suddenly everything is gone.
gone like the wind
dont know why
karna ga tau mau post apa
n final dah dah deket
tinggal 8 hari so gue post berita dr disctarra aja deh
Jakarta, Disctarra.Com

GRUP vokal asal Taiwan, F4 sempat memukau Jakarta di awal tahun 2003 lewat konser dua malam mereka di Kemayoran. Kini kabar gembira buat para penggemar F4, karena mereka akan kembali ke Jakarta untuk menemui para fans-nya. Namun bukan keempatnya bersama melainkan dua personelnya saja, F2 alias Vic Chou dan Ken Zhu. Kenapa Jerry Yan dan Vanness Wu tidak ikutan bersama? Pasalnya karena mereka datang dalam rangka mempromosikan serial drama Love Storm yang lagi ditayangkan Indosiar, dan sudah beredar juga lengkap vcd originalnya. Jerry Yan dan Vanness Wu memang tidak ikut mendukung serial tersebut.

Menurut rencana, mereka bertiga (dengan si mungil Vivian Hsu) akan tiba di Jakarta pada hari Senin, tanggal 20 Oktober 2003.

Selain promo serial, mereka juga direncanakan akan melakukan jumpa fans di studio Indosiar pada hari Selasa, 21 Oktober 2003. Yang jelas, hadirnya F2 seolah-olah reuni dalam Meteor Garden. Untuk bisa menghadiri jumpa penggemar tersebut, ikuti berita dan persyaratannya di retail shop activities

VCD orisinil serial Love Storm selengkapnya sudah beredar di semua outlet DiscTarra. (06/01)

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

come early
dont know what to do
emails and type my assignment

lagi error neh
dah ah
Doa Novena St. Fransiskus Asisi
Efektif bila dipanjatkan 9 hari sebelum 4 Oktober, hari pesta St. Fransiskus dari Asisi

Thuan, jadikanlah aku pembawa dama-Mu
Bila terjadi kebencian,
Jadikanlah aku pembawa cinta kasih
Bila terjadi penghinaan
Jadikanlah aku pembawa pengampunan
Bila terjadi perselisihan,
Jadikanlah aku pembawa kerukunan
Bila terjadi kebimbangan
Jadikanlah aku pembawa kepastian
Bila terjadi kesesatan,
Jadikanlah aku pembawa kebenaran
Bila terjadi kecemasan
Jadikanlah aku pembawa harapan
Bila terjadi kesedihan,
Jadikanlah aku pembawa sumber kegembiraan

Tuhan, semoga aku lebih ingin
Menghibur daripada dihibur
Memahami daripada dipahami
Mencintai daripada dicintai

Sebab dengan memberi kami menerima
Dengan mengampuni kami diampuni
Dengan mati suci kami bangkit lagi untuk hidup selama-lamanya


St. Fransiskus Asisi, refleksi dari Kristus melalui teladan kehidupanmu dalam kemiskinan dan penghinaan, kabulkanlah kami melalui perantaraanmy, kemuliaan yang sangat kami butuhkan bagi jiwa dan raga kami. Terutama dalam masa novena ini, kami mohon untuk .... Kami juga mohon berkatmu bagi semua yang kami kasihi. Amin

Monday, October 13, 2003

Actually there a lots of things I want to say
But kok susah bener ya ? padahal udah kepikir mau tulis apa
Kok sampe di depan kompi malah bingung
Kebanyakan neh buka windows so confuse mau bilang apa.

Jumat kemaren pulang sore abis bahas pr ama temen2 alhtough itu tidak membantu banget, but daripada ga bahas n ga ngerti. Eh tetep aja ga ngerti. Doing nothing the rest of the day.

Sabtu, rencananya sih mau buat pr n do some practices, but apa daya planning selalu tidak berhasil, malah jalan2 ke cl, liat2 vcd LS, pengen beli tapi lagi bokek, mending rental aja. Wow, speaking about LS, HE IS SO CUTE N HANDSOME (who ?? you know who I mean :))

Eh malam malah jalan2 ke TA, rencananya mau makan2 eh tante gue n om gue yg satu malah ikut
Hahahah, kind of destroy the main plan. Wu suo wei lai, mei quan si.

Minggu ke gereja as usual and then do nothing untul I watched the F1 Grandprix in Japan. Dag dig dug jg nontonnya. Hehehe then berhubung cuaca mendukung bukannya belajar eh malah tidur semua karna pada ngantuk heehehe

Monday is the day I am waiting for,
Niatnya mau cek email pagi2
Eh servernya kuningan malah down
Buntutnya baru sekarang neh gue baru cek email n bales2 email

that is so far i can type
udah ah pusing deh
ketik2 mulu
tapi sisi lain panikin yg lain
a new day to start the countdown to IELTS

hari ini terima email dr wenny
dia lagi nyari room mate
gue jg lagi nyari
so cocok deh :)

dah ah
lagi rush neh di sini
lagi ga bisa konsen
what i want to say here

later on
i will continue :)

Friday, October 10, 2003

Be it unto me
According to Your words
According to Your promises
I can stand survive

Carve upon my heart
The truth that sets me free

*duh lupa lanjutannya apa neh

Thursday, October 09, 2003

every one is getting their results. Huah, perjuangan akan segera berakhir soon!!

I think i need improvement by using tag board and so on. This afternoon is not quite good, sleepy man!! don't know why.
Today is a nice day after yesterday. Apa coba ?bingung gimana buat kalimat pertama yg bagus

Yesterday I went to ADS office, quite surprising because I did mengeluh terus, why it is not fair that my friend already y got her letter and I don’t. But Tuhan Maha Adil, He knowsthat mine should be yesterday not the day before. Trus abis dr situ ke pasar festival deh ditraktir ama P’Roby because he got also his letter with no conditional matter. While me, have to achieve IELTS score 6.5 min. My target is 7.

Abis visit ke blognya harle, duh keren sekali
Mana ada pic nya ZZ lagi, I think I will move my heart to ZZ for a while hehehe, because he is a such a hero in Love Storm n XT only a love loser *but I am glad that XT did not do many romantic scenes with VV compared to ZZ (sorry harle!!)

About my plan going to XT even, kayanya buyar deh
Udah segala macam cara dicoba neh, kontak lesta, kontak anak2 kg, everyone seems don’t have access to that events. But I still have another way, I want to contact Irini. But sial banget gue udah delete emailnya neh, so I must pm her in KG. Wah kayanya eh gue salah cenel deh kontak anak KG itu
Setelah diliat2 bukan dia neh yg punya gawe. Aduhh isenkk dah tulalit nehhh

Hehe, sambil isi blog sambil cek email haha, datang deh email UNSW, ada admission liasionnya hehehe. What a nice day today!! I keep saying this :)

that's all for now!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Today is Wednesday. Huahhhh, I am still sleepy until now because last night I watched 4 episodes of Love Storm. Taking some of my sleep time. Thx God, I arrived here not late and still can emails my friends. I don’t know why today I got strong feeling that I will get the acceptance letter whatever the condition that university offer to me. I don’t care at all as long as I get accepted in that university.

After lunch I am still checking emails from UNSW, but no email. I hate it butttttttttt suddenly my friend came and said that after class we go to ADS office, ok ? I said what ??? My name already in the list ? OH THX JESUS!! THX Mary ! YOU just relief one of my stresses so starting from today I can concentrate on my final test and make me more confident to face that test. And my next target is how to get to XT n ZZ event. This also important because all of my life, I have never done such extreme thing and I think this is the time but I don’t have the strong feeling, not so strong compared to my acceptance letter. So what can I do ? Please give me any clues!!

That is for today diary!! Maybe, if I have time, I will add some more this afternoon!!

JIA YOU!! Gambatte!!
almost chen kung !!

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

This few days were maybe the best day I ever had in my life.
Don’t know why.
I am panic about my letter of acceptance. It seems that it was not fair, that a friend of my already got her letter from the same faculty that I intended to get into.
I am still waiting until now, and nothing has change (I mean the letter is not coming yet!!, sebel deh)

On the other hand, (duh, academic style banget yah) Last Saturday, Lime sms me, informed that F2 (kyiaaaaa) will come to Jakarta, to promo their latest drama, which I am watching now. And then I got email from On.Com, told me that there will be a meet and greet with F2 and also Vivian by buying their lastest original drama from Surya Media Jadi (SMJ), (ohhhh I hate them, pengeruk duit masyarakat).
Then on Monday, which the day I hate most, become the day that I like, hahaha, confused ? Oh I just tried to increased my writing level.
Emails from, trus from a friend that I waiting for a long time.
She is still surviving in America and hopefully I can see her in the end of this year before I go to Oz.
Back to Oz, why my letter is not coming yet ?
Making me stress when I am thinking about this. My other friend in France already starts her scholarship program, while Me, still keep waiting and have to face the final test on 23 of October 2003, which I can not have free time, But ( u know I can do anything!!) just praying that I can get to F2 event!!
My be this will as a supporter to my final test, like I will have extra power and ability to do my test for the best result.

That is all for today,
Don’t know what else I want to say.
Just this for now

Jia You!!
Ni yi ding chen kung!!!

Friday, October 03, 2003

there is something wrong about the timing in my blog. :(
right now is 11.10 am. After hearing the pre-depart briefing, has nothing to do. Just looking around the forums.
eits, i know my mistakes now.
I can do something to.
I have to be active. I know that, but it is difficult to apply to the situation. I not interested to the topic n even the situation.

Few days ago, my sister, sms me and asking for some financial help. Dasar tukang boros. She knew that I already get my allowance. Kok tau aja yah ?

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I am getting panic
Others already got their result on acceptance letter
from the same university I apply for. But why don't I get my result yet?
or just want to be my surprise tomorrow?
Oh God, Please let me know ASAP!! I can't wait
ga sabar neh
n also my parents always wait for that news. This is the most important thing they want to know since i got here beside the allowance :)
hopefully my acceptance letter will come soon!!