Thursday, February 26, 2004

this week is oweek in my uni, minggu orientation, it is fun, saatnya ngumpulin bareng2 gratisan, ada voucher, vip card buat some resto, pulpen brosur, penggaris dll. maklum, di negeri orang semuanya malah, so apa yang bisa gratis ambil aja :)
ada free pancakes lagi, tapi males ngantrinya. udah 3 hari ini hujan mulu neh, udah mulai masuk winternya sekitar 20degrees. dingin2 adem lah, i still can survive.
tonight i am going to watch the "controversial movie" ever made by mel gibson :) The Passion. in my opinion, itu film based on bible, kenapa harus kontroversial ? itu emang kenyataan trus ngapain juga diband or do something buat cegat this movie tayang ?

problem gigi gue seakan terlupakan sesaat, urus aja minggu depan, this week only focus on passion aja deh :)
n have to read my course outline in case to join the lecture, moga2 aja gue dapet gruop work yg ook, mostly chinese people deh, gue ga mau dpt orang indo, bukannya kenapa takutnya english gue ga improve, kl ama orang chinese kan bisa improve english n mandarin. heheheh This is my main goal :P:P

Thursday, February 12, 2004

pengen cerita but kiri kanan banyak orang, jadi gimana dong ? save it for another day ?
today, i try not to bt with her :)
n kayanya seh gue sukses.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

hai yah, everyday complaining terus, duh kemaren emang bener2 the worst day dah, buat gue, especially, tatap muka gue ama si inul palsu itu. sebel banget gue, udah kerja kelompok, niatnya ga sekelompok ama dia, eh 1 kelompok juga, udah itu, begitu mau diskusi, eh gue dicuekin, emang dasar centil seh dia, langsung aja berhadapan dengan tuh co, udah bersuami masih childish gitu, kekanak2an, ga tau diri banget seh, yg dilaba juga suami orang itu, duh, yg bikin keseel tuh, she said that i was working alone. you know what ? gue dicuekin gitu, emang pada dasarnya gue lagi ngantuk n ga konsen ke tugas, tapi dia ga bisa ngomong gitu dong ke gue. trus komennya dia ttg Hasan, orang bangladesh itu, katanya berani ama he said to the teacher, kl time is over? it was lunch time then. padahal dia juga begitu kan ? ngeluh2 udah waktunya break tapi ga ada break juga ? aduh, gue heran, tuh orang bermuka berapa seh ? kadang2 suka otaknya jorok, kl orang lain suami ato istrinya dah datang, eh dianya malah kesel kl husbandnya belum dateng ? duh, mana harus sekelas lagi ama dia di 1 course ? udah tiap hari gue pray, tabah2in gue, jauhkan gue dari prasangka buruk, jgn bt an dulu kl udah liat dia, tapi kemaren she pake baju emang norak abis, kaya ga tau malu aja, udah sadar tapi kok masih norak ya ? n rese lagi, dgn bangganya said, gue udah ga punya baju lagi ?

oh ya kemaren lab kompi :) tutornya banyak banget tuh, cos gabung ama kelas lain. duh ada 1 kayanya orang spore, duh sakit kepala gue denger englishnya Singlish abis n kesannya kasar banget sampe gue ga bisa konsen, trus ada lagi tutor yg orang indoa, duh, begitu deket, muncul bau2 aneh, sebenarnya bau apa yah ? jadi tiap kali ada pertanyaan, gue dkk ga pernah mau tanya ke dia, abis baunya tidak tahannn boooooooooo. ga tau deh bau apa tuh. anyone know ?
i think i have to stop now, cos udah mau ke kelas lagi tuh :)

Monday, February 09, 2004

this is the new day to start. Quite boring to start this day, cos i felt speel day the day, although i did travel around the uni for quite long. just early inthe morning, arrived at library at 9 am, ready to start enrolment, but i failed to do that cos i need new pin, change the new one, after the english break. quite tiring and i did my enrol successfully and altedy get my student id card but i still cant get in tho the room that only postgrad students are allowed to. dont know what, or maybe not yet, it is not the time yet.
Back to langgar, i have done some curhat to a person who also dislike her. he just laughed and said dont worry, dont have to think about that too seriously. i said that i know, but i need to talk to someone in order to release "kekesalan". akhirnya gue ungkap juga kekesalan gue.
soal R***, lebih susah lagi neh,masalahnya i have to keep seing her everyday from mon-fri, and saturday if we all students are going out together, duh berasa jadi apa gitu duni.dan kadang2 sok tau lagi dia. maybe she is older than me, trus tadi sempat gue serang juga, soal urusan PNS ato bukan. bis gue udah kesel banget. sorry ya gue ga singgung perasaan org lain but, the main thing is gue lagi kesel berat.
soalnya dr conversationnya keliatan, dia dapet scholarship itu emang merasa dia perlu dapet, ga seperti perasaan gue dapet, gue merasa gue ada kemampuan cos the Australian Government gave met that chance. while she is just saying, sebagai pns mah belajar bisa pas aja udah cukup. panas neh gue denger kaya gitu, so she dont have any more motivation to increase her knowledge ? or i am too idealist? then gue bilang, wah jadi pns emang ga enak ya? no challange and no penghargaan, than she said, gue udah resign kok. hahaha, takut kalah aja tuh.
duh 2 minggu lagi gue bakal jarang see her. but i have 1 same class with her. tabah2in hati deh gue.

ok, nothing speacial today, oh i havent teld that my teacher Ian, cukup cakep jg loh :) trus tadi masuk lagi co-teacher yg baru, her name is jenn, cakep euy. just that, not much i can tell. oh korean guy? i did not see him yet today. ga tau neh bentar lagi ketemu ga tuh, but i already have no feeling about him, dah basi hehehehhehehe

Friday, February 06, 2004

DOnt know why i so kesel n sebel banget ama yang namanya R***, orangnya suka ngesalkan dah pengen gue tabok aja deh. in discussion, udah kalah gitu, masih ga terima, mau menang aja, trus kl gue ngomong, maunya cuekin gue and ga peduli ama gue, trus juga mau potong omongan gue, gue ga mau sekelompok ama dia, eh dia malah ikut juga, nyari jurnal eh mau ikutan juga padahal dia kan ga berhak tuh nyari jurnal lagi. tampangnya udah seperti inul aja tuh, bener2 mirip, tapi gue bilang sih mending inul deh cos gue udah bt banget ama dia. trus have to spend my days with her for more 2 weeks ? mana tahan ? Duh, tabah2an in deh hati gue hadapin dia.

this morning I did a little bit chat with Thailand girl, u know what, ternyata dia juga sesuku ama gue speak chao chou hua. ternyata di Thailand banyak orang tio chew. kaget n seneng aja, trus neh ce, Ning, went to china for about 8 months just to learn chinese, because she realize she is Chinese although she is Thailand(nese??).
the way she look, looks like she is still very young, but, from what she said, that she is already work for PWC for 5 years and now doing master of commerce with us.

pusing gue ama tugas critical reviewnya, mana mesti look for journal and make review about it, tes kemaren malah hasilnya kacau gitu, tidak mencerminkan gue udah EAP for three months. wah mesti rajin neh belajar and look for the books.
duh mana besok R*** juga mau ke library juga buat nayri apa gitu, sebel deh gue, kenapa gue bisa ber"tabrakan" ama orang itu yah ? Kemaren udah yang namanya Langgar, skrg R*** lagi. duh, apaan seh ini ?

oh ya co korea itu hahah, forget about that lah, udah ga interested lagi neh gue ama dia, abis kl lecture always sit in the third row. gue sit di baris ke 4, mau gimana lagi ? duh di kelas gue udah ga ada pemandangan co cakep lagi, trus adanya cjuga co2 dr PNG and Bangladesh, trus udah punya istri and anak, gimana neh, dunia kok ga begitu indah buat gue ya ?
but, the main teacher is cakep boooooooooo. atractive banget dibanding amat co-teachernya yang super lembut n boring banget.
barusan mau ngetik, eh asistennya dateng and gue chit chat bentar tuh ama mereka. dah ah, gue mau off. post something on monday or maybe tomorrow cos i will be at the library tomorrow. kacian banget deh, sabtu mesti ke library juga

Thursday, February 05, 2004

bt day is come back again
i asked a friend about a friend, asking where is she, she said that, dont know, maybe to her school office. then another friend asked about her too, she said that oh she is going to somewhere.
gila aja, i still sat beside her, and she was already making another news. benci gue
benci banget