Tuesday, August 30, 2005

30 August 2005
Yu le xin wen ….
New Album from Tao zi, chou lu chu new york….
Mayday’s MY best pride
Liang jing ru will have her new album release soon, he cuo he Lee Hom Lau tze and A shin :P, must be a great song, cos they spend three days and nights to come out with a song. Cant wait to hear.

Guo pin chao, bit shuo khe se tha hen sou e, kaya bishonen di komik2 jepun. Or because the story taken from manga? I need to find out that.

Local yu le xin wen, main topics always married, divorced or secretly married or something that not show what there are doing in the entertainment world, hai you, presenternya ga bisa merangkap2 like phoenix news, a yang ge :D:D hao suia ooooo

The best is yet to come, haven’t fix the problem yet. Still waiting a document to come and have to prepare every documents on time but get trouble with the net, so slow and gmail sumtim hang in the middle of sending, wu liao

Need to learn how to write the proper pin yin and memorise the words, hen nan e.
Wo de pheng you cai Sydney, ni men hao ma? Guo de ce me yang? Summer is coming, rite?

Gejolak ekonomi skrg lagi luan ci pa cau, dolar makin naek, seniors bilang, tahan dolarnya and spend everything in AUD jgn in IDR. Well, yg punya dollar skrg sih bisa kaya tuh dng kurs tukar sekitar 8rb. Ahli2 ekonomi seniors emang patuh dijadikan masukan, what they said is based on their research and experience in the reality. Untung aja semua pada pegang dolar, kl ga bisa semaput jg tuh. Sby aja dah kelabakan karna hal ini, mana harga oil jg bergejolak.

Well, mamat kemaren singgung2 soal itu lagi, padahal g dah inget2 banget, never talk about that, aneh, itu berita dr mana yah? Jadi penasaran pengen tau jg neh. Well, how is he doing now? Apa masih mabok ama experimentnya dia yah? Selamat aja deh and gud luck for the coming soon review deh hihihihihihi wo de chao jia pheng you.

Next stop is for Oren, ta jie, where is ur promise? Katanya mau scanning g berita di BI soal lika liku hidup di FI? Mana? Ntar g email deh hihihihihiihihihi. Hope I can made sometime to visit you :P:P


This is the time to update yu le 新闻, I make a silly typo error, it should be 柯有伦. Sorry for that, I am still in the learning process. :D

五月天, released their new album 26/8 and have a concert this Sunday in Taiwan :P. their new mv was shoot in Genting, if I didn’t mishear(wah ini kata bener ga sih).

Huang Yida is going to have 见面会 in 新加破 next month with his hits 那女孩对我说 and ‘Bad Guy”. The song “bad guy” is the opening theme for the “Devil besides me” this song is not really the song I like but it seems match the drama really well. Hmm, what else, 刘德华 also released new album with single 在说一之, 我爱你, I think this song is an adaptation from Korean song :P this is the second time he released song from Korean songs :(.

Wu Pei chun, did I spell it right? Jay’s 女 友, is a presenter in the yu le @ ya chou. She is so pretty and clever, I think, although a bit funny when reporting the news and her English is really good :P. speaking of Jay, jadi inget ama Jolin. Now I have the same view, Jen. Kacian banget jolin, gara2 Jay, jadinya bingal gitu dia di MVnya although ga separah Spears or Aguilera. Being one of the Taiwanese Diva is always become public figure, it is own by public and cant avoid it about what her felt for him. But she wasn’t chosen by jay, so mei pan fa la.

大S become a spoke person for Tissot Asia and her sis is going to have a new baby :P

A member of Tofu, said that they were ‘forced’ to adapt a song from Taiwanese singer. She said, they don’t want to, but forced by the people in their recording company, SONY BMG. Is that true? Don’t you think, you can be 很有名. This is true but they refused to admit it. rese banget sih, didn’t like it.

The next news is for Harle, kl lu blm tau aja she hehe, project pop ada lagu baru deh, yg isinya tuh nuasa kemerdekaan gitu, sering g liat di rcti but g kan jarang ntn tipi local so ga gitu jelas, itu lagu baru or Cuma buat tayang di rcti aja, yg pasti sih lagu2nya ok2 :)

Ok for the yu le新闻 for now, what else? Hmmm, still listening to the old thing and something need to be changed; do not keep the distant cos it will make a distant by itself. This is nature, so just follow the flow.

A good news now, APS announcement has been send to the selected awardees :P so quick this time. My friend got it yeah, good on her, jia you lo. Have fighted for few times and hopefully chen kung lah. The ones who don’t get the award will received the letter within 2 weeks time :( ce ke se jie sang hen kung phing, depends on how you deal with it. -à pinyinnya parah abis nehhhh :(

The whole new world’s perspective has reached me and still a bit confuse about how to deal with it. Bingung boleh but jgn keterusan yaa, ntar bener2 mabok hehe.sometimes, it was crap but the other hand, it was beautiful to have it.
Cau kau la, wo cai shuo se me na? ce se ing wei wo cai sen chi ma? Wo kan, ying kai hai se cai sen chi mah? Some one make a mistake and waiting for the thau jian words to come. Ego bener yah. :D

Helping people bu su yau xie xie, khe se, the people that we pang mang de, ing kai shuo mah, although shuo dau but seems didn’t enough. Need more, ce tau ma?

Did you know that it's easier to say what you feel in writing than saying it to someone in the face? But did you know that it has more value when you say it to their face? --- nice quote
Next week, I need to prepare few documents for penyetaraan ijasah, for the future of my career. I need to legalized my documents. Untungnya segala catalog and brousur2 g bawa pulang, kl ga kan repot. I’ll bet few of them must not bring those stuffs. Baru aja laporan ke anak2 3M2, kl g dah pulang hehehe, bis semuanya pada busy preparing for their reviews sih, cuma g and heri yg aga2 santai, ga usah ada review segala hehe, and speaking of hery, what is he doing now yah? Dah turun ke jkt belum ya dia. Nana called me few days ago, wo mei jie, ying mei ding tau, haven’t called her back. Still have to ku li her and boost the spirits. The ‘monkey spirits’ huahuahuahua.

Still regretting my past experience. Sebel deh kok bisa2nya g ikutan gitu loh, sampe segitu2nya, I should be tough and never show what I felt, aneh kan? Harusnya sih g ga begitu, tapi gara2 latah sih, jadi ikutan, really regret it, I wish bisa go back to that time and re-do everything and didn’t make a stupid behaviour. Ga abis mikir neh and still thinking about it. Hope can forget it soon but memories are not to be forgotten but untuk dikenang, yg jelek ya buat perbaikan in the future and the good ones are unforgettable untuk dikenang.

Last week, met the twins, but I didn’t recognize which one is the one that I know. They become no more cute or suai but become a quite big hihihi. Mei kuan si, cong lai wo ye mei se men tui ta men

Thursday, August 25, 2005





Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Trying to survive in the whole new world is definitely difficult to do. Or should I open the old memories and re-do it again and start it from the beginning? That is so hard to do and have to keep trying and 加油!! He feng yi chi fei as 小风 said and you also can speed up ur goal by setting it urself. Well, I think, I am facing another new W curve syndrome. A brand new one that I didn’t expect to have. It started hard and I don’t know how it will end this time. Setting another new goal and pursue another dream (again? Bu dai guo fen ma? Yi ding she bu guo fen la. Jia you e)

Suddenly these words 加油, almost mean nothing to me, I know these words mean a lots to me, give me support when I was down, accompany me when I have disbelieve, fan chen, ce liang ge zi, accompany me all the time.

Come on, please wake up from the dream land, you are not supposed to be there anymore, you should look for another opportunities that can boost up ur spirit and chasing the thing that you want.

Hmmmm, why can I meet the wrong people at the wrong time? Or this is my way? But I was too convince by that, well, next time, I wont be like that anymore, padahal dah waspada diri and keep the distant but the ended with ‘strange and weird’ thing that I didn’t expect to happen. From this time, I will play safe and xiao xing because I don’t want that “silly hurt” happen again and that is still burdening my mind. The hurt that hurted a lot of people, even you are far far away, still kena efeknya jg. Rese kannnnnnn.
When you are in ur dream land, you definitely don’t think too much about that but when you get back to the reality, you will think about that quite often. It is like “thau pi” 我很累,可是我不要方持, 我一定要努力, 我措的, 我会的.

Trying to catch up ‘yu le 新闻’, I found out that 可有伦, sang OST MARS, titled 零, I thought he was the senior singer that I never heard but he is 黑哥的儿子, hen kan dong. he is jia you and so do I :D
F4 is getting popular in Japan, ehmmmm which is toooo late, I think, org2 dah pada wang le, japan baru bangun dr buaian Korean sTars. BYJ went to Taipei and have a j ice hue with ge mi. have an early bday cake. Will Pan released new album again, and reached 90k copies for the moment, buset dah promosinya kenceng abis hihihi. Apalagi yah? Hmm I really like to watch yu le xin wen, the shows only tell us about the project that have been done by the artists, not like the Indo’s infotainments, almost always show divorces, marriages, who is the third party,who is going out with who, who is enjoying their life, who is donating(like to showing) not the project done by them. Wu liao……… ok enough of yu le xin wen for the moment. Weks jadi inget kudu ke starlounge jg neh buat update and say hi to the founder :)

The legend of the speed, well a nice story about the competition and real life experiences, give me a few things to think about. Well, the life is not as easy as you want, but you can change it with nu li and jia you :P

Iseng2 bongkar lemari, I found out a gift from harle, hehehe, I still keep it and remembered it for ever, because that little yellow bunny arrived safely to my house half year after shipping. Can you imagine how long is the trip from America to here? well, such a record!!!

我还是 sen chi. Wei se me ne? I kept wondering, why because of their own goals didn’t achieve as they expected and blame it to other people? Be creative and you will survive, but this time I wont help because I have my own reason for that. Enough for that time. I did stupid mistake by telling what should do, while a certain people really need that help. Stupid me, kudu dihentikan and thanks God, sudah dihentikan and berlalu. But I still want to write about this, cos it is so annoying.

I just WONDERING, why can people think like this? Depends ???Why not think wisely? Heran deh, kenapa bisa think like that when terdesak or kecewa karna too much knowing of something yang seharusnya tidak perlu diketahui?

Should I come to the Big4? Have approach one of them and still 3 to go but wo mei you xing xing to go there. Ce me pan? Sei khe yi pang wo? So let the nature decide what I should do. Should I go to the agent or go directly? Yg ini pergi salah, ga pergi jg salah neh,

iSeTan, iRiver hehehe, two different things that attract me lately, dunno why. Just sounds nice to my ears.

jadi inget, a friend told me that when a friend of mine showing the accessories that he/she have to another friend, should you be jealous? Should you? I just don’t understand why have to jealous? He/she have the money for buy it, and if you urself want, just buy it and don’t be jealous, but if u mei you chien, don’t envy them, ok, because the world is fair enough for us as long as we work hard and don’t envy other but be grateful that other can have the things we want and hoping by work hard, we also can get it for our self. Well this is only a story from a friend, a fighting friend wahahahaha, but an advice from a friend that having this experience, didn’t work for me, well, it because the knife that stab from my behind and campur2 ama ke’bablasan’ thing that day.
I really regret that accident happen at that day and I also spent stupid yen lei for them, cen de hen stupid. Why I can do that, it is because of windy, jadi going together deh. Hope no more next time. Emang beda dunia and satu lagi beda mixed yg buat semuanya berbeda and begonya lagi, kenapa g harus terpengaruh? Dasar g goyah and terpengaruh of bayangan always having chau jia de pheng you. Well hutang budi kudu dibayar, but g dah bayar lunas belum yah? Dah cukup belum g bayarnya? Cos I don’t want to bring it to death. It is such a big burden. Hope it is enough, kl belum I’ll pay it when I succeed, promise, but how to pay it? Itu yg harus dipikirkan ……. But I think I have done a lot, duh egoisnya dateng…..

Monday, August 22, 2005

a late post ....

21 August 2005
Congrats for Sydney, to be the next venue for the international World Youth Day 2008 :)
Can’t wait for that. This was announced by the Pope Benedict XVI at Cologne, Germany few hours ago, in Closing Mass for the World Youth day 2005, Have a chance to watch the closing mass is a blessed, more than a million people attended this mass.

Congrats also to Wenny and Ayau for their engagement yesterday, sorry I cant make it. Also happy belated bday to wenny.

Congrat to my long lost friend, Eri for her wedding a week ago.

Those words describe what I felt few days ago. Met indra after few years. 她 decided to for good to indo and work at embassy. Yeah :) finally the whole gang can be gathered again. Trying up catch up with them. Atien has moved to Sunter, Ngamino entah ke mana yah hehehe. Yanti got new baby born in Sumedang :) congrats friends

Met Eka 2 days ago. Haven’t met the other. Gonna set the time for meeting, maybe. Mosat and friends are plan to collect pics, video and other stuff that related to high school and gonna make a record for the next reunion.

New journey, This is my new journey to new world. Hopefully I can survive, as my junior said, I can !! 有一 天会的!! They gave me their contact number, really helpful.

Have few interviews lately but still asked them to postpone and they agree to do it. Thx. Next target ………… xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Still 不高 xing about a problem, still become a burden and a friend keep asking about. I don’t know who’s false is that, but this is a freedom to speak as another friend said, don’t worry, you have your freedom as long as it is ur self and u don’t bother other, that is alrite. In case other people bother about that, then their bad luck, sapa suruh ikut campur, bener toh?

Anak2 ribut soal GAM, takutnya ntar jd Negara federal dgn adanya pembagian hak keuntungan yg 70:30. well Makin hari anak2 makin aja aktif and responsive about the country thing and initiator nya dah ganti org, takutnya ntar new semester begin, ilang deh semangatnya, but so far so good and aga2 bete cos only can update from the news and not join directly to the events yg jarang2 terjadi ini

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Receive an email from mamat, reporting the details about wenny’s half surprise party hahaha. Kok bisa sih ketauan HAHAHAHAHAA, anyway, thx for the report and again, Happy Belated Bday to Wenny. Another wenny, will celebrate her bday this weekend and the next day is her Good day :) Congrats friend

I have to end this old journey and start a new journey from now on and everything must be in new :P Setting a new goal and ‘cuek’ for the rest, good things need to be kept and the bad things should be throw awayyyy…..

Need to catch up Yu Le Xin Wen and updates everything soon
Ok for now and then next, need to be well organized.

Merdeka :)
The Best Day Of My Life

Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever.

There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I'm going to celebrate!
Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger.
I will go through this day with my head held high and a happy heart. I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts:
the morning dew, the sun, clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds.

Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice
Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people. I'll make someone smile. I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know. Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down.
I'll tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for them and how much they mean to me.Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me. I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in God and his Divine Plan ensures everything will be just fine.And tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens. I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon, and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures.As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life, ever!

Do you know of others who might be waiting to receive it from you?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Life is so beautiful

Life is nothing but a stage
Everybody give their best performances for their dreams
Sometimes wild at heart sometimes sad at tears
I often dream myself on a stage (with a microphone)
People, flowers, cheers, loneliness
Then I wake up and say to myself
This is my life
The way I choose ::)

Being educated doesn’t mean that you have achieved the highest education level. But educated act will show who you are. It also indicate that what you act is what you get from ur education society but sometimes, people don’t think wisely when their act, just want to make other happy(in their minds, they think so, but others don’t think so) but they don’t think it was not wise at all.
Use money to make other happy is not wrong totally but the way they act will lead to the misunderstanding. Most of the people think that money can make others happy. That is right but the WAY they do it should be right too.

Working --- tergantung ato menggantungkan diri???

I start to like this words ‘different world and different views’. It looks so match. What you think maybe the same in some way but the main is totally different. Kacian dehhhh hihihihi

Stop to give any comments unless they ask for but it doesn’t mean don’t care.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can’t find no rest
Where I’m going is anybody’s guess

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my babyIt’s written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

I don’t mean to drag it on, but I can’t seem to let you go
I don’t wanna make you face this world aloneI wanna let you go (alone)
I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all
I’m going to be is incomplete
Devil besides you…..

Have you ever hear those words ? I believe I do :) Psst: hint: ada jun xiang hehehehe

CLBK? Should I do that? Back to the routines that I used to do? I need to catch up back to yu le xin wen more often to update myself hehe. So far try to do that :)

Childish, …. Harle, thanks for listening just now :) really appreciated hehehehe
Hidup Cuek hehehhehhee

Yida 的歌很好听, and the meaning behind the song was so good :) na ge nu hai tui wo shuo …….

“kesenjangan social” in term of scholarship ternyata emang bener2 terjadi hehehe, ada sebagian org yg merasa di’senjang’kan oleh beasiswa ini hehe, I know some would think like that and some not but at the end, yg ga dapet and felt kecewa pasti felt like that. It was proven. Have seen a lot of different type of people who know about this. Again, the ‘mixed’ problem also menunjang hal ini terjadi hehehe. A friend of my yg berpikiran terbuka, malah tidak berpikir seperti ini, she was thinking that it is a gift from God that you have asked and waited for a long time. See…… is every one has the same perception about this problem? Or just a step for better life and better future?

And again about my own country, kenapa ga maju2 sih? Padahal byk intelek2 di bumi Indonesia ini? Jadi pengen ikut monthly discussion minggu besok but gimana hiks hiks, only can get up date from them soon

Incomplete from bsb, really know what I mean for the moment hehe


Thursday, August 11, 2005

What do you think ??

Being stab from behind…. How does it feel? Hurt? Or disappointed? Or even worst, feel happy? Must be sen qing ping de ren then :(

Different opinions…. It is common as long as it doesn’t cross the border lines

Friendships …. Truthful and sincere? Even in different opinions?

Views…. Everyone has different about this but does it matter to certain people? How to maintain that?

Principle….. how can people constantly defend their owns principle?

Being minority in the society? How does it work? Is this fair?

Being a leader?.... Is it easy job to do? Who said so?

Believe but don’t see….. this is hard to do

Word ‘Thank You’, does it mean a lot to you? How people use this word in the society? What does this word mean to certain people? Does this word mean a powerful meaning? Does it mean something to me?

Working in the field that God have provided for you in the future…….

How to refuse an offer?

Being in the middle of a situation? … is that healthy for ur mind and reputation? A good listener ? who, where and what?

What is life about? An imitator ? Or a creator? Or initiator? ---> Accept or refuse?

It is good to be in a dream land or in a real life?

Try to release it quick and soon you’ll get over it

These questions teach a lot of thing about life and how you can survive in the society, it also an indicator what you can and can’t do in this life and society. Every questions there has the consequences. Case is CLOSED:D:D:D:D:D

How do you feel being spy on? Happy or angry? How you should act? Have an action or say nothing?

How do you feel when somebody break the promise? Is this an indication of ignorance or just forget the promise that people have made?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Money can be an enemy. It was proven in many ways. With money you can get everything you want and even, you can ‘buy’ a friend. On the other hand, without money, you can do nothing, this is true.

Got a scholarship is always a dream for me. It was a blessed in that year that I was announced as one of the awardees. Thanks God!!

Well, the journey of the dreams has begun. Have a chance to feel how is like to study in overseas was a dream come true for me. Because of the monetary crisis 1998, I can say that I really hate the government, well, I don’t have any rights to blame government because of this.

Having the opportunity to see the other part of the world, make my mind clear. No wonder, in every Ausaids discussion that I attended, seniors always encourage us, go back to ur country and built them so Indo can be a well developed country. I understand now, why so many lectures and government servants were sent to study in Oz with the ADS’ help, they have high nationalisms with a positive mind that after they go back to Indo, they can contribute to their own country and built the country. Reduce the poverty, educate people by sharing their knowledge they got while studying in Oz. I think, in their mind never cross the idea of staying permanently in Oz and get the working permit in Oz. it was crossed in my mind for a while and a bit bete when friends and family asking, when r u plan to go back there? You guys don’t know a lot of things so I cant blame you guys but please don’t ask me such that questions. I am sick of it for the moment. And also the relationship that I have with ADS is much much more precious that I can get. This also doesn’t mean that I cant stay in other country but the consideration is for the good of own country. That why, a friend that I know, when I asked him, wat is ur next target? Go to other country? Well he said, what for? Just be graceful and work in the field that you have here in you country. Well, now wo ming pai ta de yi se

Going back to Indo, make me realize a lot of things need to be done. I don’t try to be nationalist, but that is the reality. As a good citizen (how good??), I need to develop my own skills to build my own country. It doesn’t matter where I work, at least I can give sumtin to the country that give me the chance to see the other part of the world.

The reality I saw here was so so so pathetic. No strict rule, with money, everyone can gain their aims. No queueing, everyone can go the counter quickly to pay, for example.
The infrastructure was not maintain well. With the chance to see the other world make me realize that so many things need to be done with my own ways. No need to ask how I can do it but just pray for me that I can do the best for the country and also pray for my fellow friends that still studying in Oz and when they come back, we can all join together to build our own country.

Walah, ini kok tiba2, I myself being so ….., apa karna mau 17an? Or karna baca email di milis?

Ok next, back to money topic. It is true that money can be the most powerful enemy in ur life. When you have a connection with people and it deals with money, be careful, money can be friend and also can be enemy but I believe it mostly become your enemy.

By having enough money, you can, for example, go to overseas for study, while when you don’t have any money, you can do nothing, even for breakfast or for lunch. Having the chance to study in Oz, make me (again) realize many things.
Money can get you to the highest place, can give you the better life (of course) and chance to stay in other part of the world, money can get to the most enjoyable moment you want to have but remember it was just a moment, as soon as you don’t have money, ur friends will leave you soon and you were all alone for the most of the time.

Complaining about the life and don’t have enough money are also not really good choice, everyone should be graceful of what they can have now, even you only can afford your lunch. God has provided everyone with their destiny and talents, all you can do is 加油 and stop complaining and keep trying. Even you have enough, you will still complaining that you don’t have enough. That is the human nature. Human is a complicated creatures. ----> I like this quite. But how complicated? Everyone can made is become easy when they face it bravely and not influence by other.

Why I become so ignorance this lately? Well many reasons, and I don’t need to tell anyone about this. The one who really know me will know it directly and never ask about it. Facing the real reality is so hard than anyone can imagine. Being in the dream land is just a dream that will end soon. Probably, I was a bit convince by the age thing and the shio thing. I admit, I can more believe to wat the ‘age thing’ said better than the other. The waiting period and the commitment that have by the shio thing, can ruin everything too. How can I act based on that?

Money also can ruin friendship and having different views also can ruin ur relationships with others. That is for sure!!!!! I think I get the message that being in the different world, people will act different to you and see what they can get from u. well my experience during my study, teach me more than I can get, more that I can reach and teach me one thing, don’t trust people 100% because it can be ur number 1 enemy. You can trust people 99% and you have to save that little percentage for urself for self defence. Actually this is not right that you don’t trust people 100% but no other way I can do that, at least I trust you 99% and I didn’t expect to get the trust from people 100% also. Even though a friend said to me, try to believe other and let them grow, it was so hard, because it was from a different world view different from me and friends.

2 nights ago, I got a called from old friend, complaining again bout old decease, that still keep membayangin 她 and I told 她 that I have throw away 她 belonging. Well this is not my false anyway, I have asked for advices before I do it. We talked for a long time. I felt a bit guilty for that, because of other’s false, I have to carry it a bit as my responsibility. Well, I know this is one of the good way, but that sickness, who want to have that kind of decease? No one and no one want to have it.

Just now, chatted with Dee, asking me to go the Eri’s n awen’s de hao re zi. Ce me pan? Should I go? Well, it means that I have to go to Jakarta soon, but my business here is still unfinished, how can I leave?

Also just chatted with Jen, she was soooo kind and invite me to visit her sumtime in the future, so lovely friend that I never meet before. I also have a promise to meet toro this month but did toro come back from Beijing yet?

Send a message to blue just now and let her know that I am in the country now.
I also have the chance to chat with irvie and mamat :P:P but not with aren, he seemed so strange. I felt a bit strange and make me curious to think that he did intended to block my msn? Since irvie and mamat can see him and I cant or my internet connection is suck??? Strange rite? Well probably the internet connection is suck, hate it!!!! Well this is the homework that I need to fix for this country :(

Emailing oren is one of my new activity now, since oren was missing for quite a long time and she only contact me and asking me, others emails that I cant even remember. Nice to hear from oren, probably I can visit oren sumday in the future hahahaha,hope can meet harle at this end of the year and I also hope that blue can finish her study by the end of this year or she has finished already?

More good news to come, yanti is going to have her baby in 2 months time, one of my bestfriend is going to get married, end of this year, well she was actually my auntie but she refuse me to call her like that since we have know each other before I should call her auntie hahahahahaha. Congrats!!! One more good news, I am going to meet Indra, probably, in few days time, when indra got back here to extend the passport. Yeah, I need to arrange this again.

I need to set up my life again, it is not going to be the same anymore. In the last 1.5 year, I can set up by myself but now, since I have to face the reality and say good bye to the dreams land, I have to follow my heart and the rule and authority (that is the bad news)

Got 2 job interviews now and still waiting for the best to come.

Lessons for the day :
Money can blind people
trust is one of the hardest thing to do
facing the reality is difficult when there is no trust and limit
being cheated or being lied by other is also the hardest thing to accept, especially, people say the other way around
people crossing your privacy limit is unforgettable and no mercy for that

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Everyone has their own life, even their own privacy that not everyone can cross that limit. Well being cheated is the worst thing ever happened, especially when it is ur privacy, the place that where u can do anything you like and what you can act. Saying that forget the connection, but still keep reading it through all the way, well don’t care start from now.

Being cheated and again…. Cen de hen wu liao de shi. My own problem hasn’t done yet, another problem is lai le. Wo ce me pan jue ding na?

I finally found oren, yg sempat menghilang sekian lama, gara2 job training. Hv been contacting blue n harle, but still cant find where they are

Well in this world, I cant trust anyone for sure, my future is in my own hand, I know this will be happened some day and I didn’t expect it would come so fast. Being confused and must follow the rules that make me see the world clearly. Being mixed also not a solution, well, that is the problem that come from the problem, not one can avoid it, but well, actually can avoid it but The One said different for this, and mei pan fa, u have to follow that.

Life is a happiness where you can enjoy it
Life is a sadness when you cant respect and be gratefull of what you get
Life is sumtin so unfair to ‘different world’ people
Life is sumtin fair to the humble people

Well, the life is not that easy to face, the main topic for today is cheated….
A big word that mean a lot to a certain people.
Welcome back to really…. The dreams are over now

Monday, August 08, 2005

The life must go on..

It has been a week, I have leave Sydney for good. I really miss that city, the city that I have my own life, no one can interfere my life there. Back to my home sweet home, I realize that so many things I need to finish. 妈的病 also need me to take care off. Luckily it wasn’t that dangerous.

How is my future now? Haven’t done anything yet since I got here. must I wait for the immigration stuffs done? Or just apply to anywhere I like? The problem is working experience that I don’t really have. Ce me pan?

Still angry with mamat, since he confessed that he pretend to be lisbeth, asking me the ‘limit’ question that I wont give any answer. And I cant even think how come it was mamat, did he had sumtin to say to me?

who don’t feel sick of hearing, when heard people complaining the same problem everytime?

While myself, keep comparing the life style here and Sydney. It is totally different and I prefer the Sydney’s style. More convenience and strict to rule and I don’t feel strange there while here, people looking at me fiercely and I felt scare and even sumtin insulted.

What should I do now?

Saturday, August 06, 2005

no title.. bueeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeee

Well, being at home is one of the part that I will not miss. Problems come one by one.
Still enjoying my jobless period but I hate listen to people complaining. All of the problems it just about ‘it’self. Different world’s people can easily solve the problem.I had chatted to mamat about this, and he said, yeah, they have the money and no big deal. And I also think that is right, too but g didera terus ama masalah yang sama, sapa yg ga kesel? And my scholarship terms yg dijadikan patokan. Well, kl emang mau org2 lu ke tempat lu and stay with you, go a head, ga usah lewat2 aps or ads, because that is not the right way. You can do it urself, it was proven by you come there alone, not the same as me nana n mamat. Well everyone had their problems and try at least solve by themselves and (again) don’t use me as comparison, I hate that.

Gud news, finally, oren email me and wrote to me wat and where she is these days. Good to hear from her. At least she didn’t missing at all.

Intinya g kesel huehueheuehehhehuuhee

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Home….. finally :(

Last Friday was the hectic day I ever had. Busy thinking of the extra luggage that I need to pay and then ended up I don’t need to pay at all because I joined my luggage with Windy and aren’s foot help “:D

Friday 29 July 2005
Morning, busy packing and confuse. Later on, in the afternoon, aren came and nana also came, copying the old pics and then went to dinner with irvie and went to nana’s place, helping her packing.

Saturday, 30 July 2005
The day that I expect never to be happened was happened. Everyone went to airport to say good bye to me, I try to be tough and hold my tears but Windy’s keep falling and I also ikut terpengaruh. It’s really so say that I leave them there because I like it there and I cant go back and stay there for the moment. But at least I didn’t cry in front of them but bombay in the waiting room.
The flight from Sydney to Bali, took 6 hours and arrived at Ngurah Rai Airport at 2.05pm and then around 3pm flight to Jakarta. Arrived at Jakarta 15.20pm and then say goodbye to windy, rika and fahri. About fachri, ternyata he is really annoying and childish. Well, enough, talking about other people. Arrived at cengkareng, took the luggage and then straight away to hotel. Well I was a bit freaking out when I met local people, they’s look so fierce and like seeing me as a good prospect for their next victim. At instant, I hate Jakarta, I really want to go back to Sydney, I felt more safer there. In Sydney, no care what you do and no one care who you are but here, I have to pay respect to elders and at least try to fulfill their requests. It is hard to be the first in the family.

Well enough of that. I think I really got W Curve Syndrome and I actually try to reduce the syndrome effect. I keep comparing Jakarta and Sydney. When I was at jayakarta for dinner, I felt sick and confuse because the area is so dirty and hot, different from sydney’s. and then when I was looking for the new prepaid phone card, I also kept comparing the providers in Sydney and here. I keep thinking, where else on the earth I can get free chat time and felt so close to my friends. Now they are really far far away from me, hiks hiks hiks hiks hiks. Inside my head, I kept telling myself, stop comparing, stop comparing but it didn’t stop comparing and the worse is when I watched tv. The programs became so worse compare to Oz’s tvs. How could that be? And I also felt sick of the commercials, so jijay and hueksssss.

Well, the life must go on and where I can be end up to? No ones know about this, even myself. But definitely, I dislike staying in Jakarta because of everything. I am sick of hot weather and dirty air and the fierce faces that I wont forget and make me aware all the time and felt unsafety.