Wednesday, December 15, 2010

last few post before 2011

It has been along time since the last post. Well,I know it, but I was too lazy to type and post. I am kind of addicted to FB games that required me to online everyday just to check the game. Well, I am officially addicted because I had nothing to do since I had lost my last job last year and I haven’t found new one since the. Pathetic, right? I know but what can I do? It seemed that I had been cursed that I cant find the job that I want and I don’t even know what kind of works that I need and will be my interest.
In few days time, I will try to type and tell what are my thinkings this year after losing job, my views and opinions about other in this city’s society.
Lately, I was annoyed by the pregnancy’s term. Why? It was because of L&S. Sorry to hide the right names. They got married legally in one month of this year and less that 40 weeks of their married, a son has ‘come’ out and it claimed the baby was 40 weeks when got delivered. In this society, from my point of view, it means that ‘doing thing(睡在一起)’ before married. The couple has been so proud with the baby. Well, of course, in Chinese tradition, first son or first grandson is a honor, as the continuing of the family. If this condition happened to family in ‘bule’ country, it ok. No problem but If this happened in my family, I cant imagine what will the world become. Hahaha.
The thing disturbing is how to count week of pregnancy? Once, my sister in law told me, that if the first pregnancy, the baby will be less that 9 months in mother’s womb cos the mum still ‘young’, can’t count the period, but in the case I have given above, the mum said, the baby is 40 weeks n 1 day and she got difficulty in delivered. I have heard lots of story about delivery and I know there are lots of videos in youtube about the delivery but I have no dare to watch it, but I have the eagery to know about it. This the thing that I never thought before. I know the delivery process would be easy or difficult, it depends on the mum and her condition at that time. And it is true that the process will involve ‘life or death’ of a mum. So Mum is soo soo soo 伟大. Before hearing L&S story, I have read N&G’s blog about their delivering process. May be because of different country, the rules also different and I think that other that this country, the process will be ok. (--- apa maksudnya coba???)
Waks, the story about ‘pregnancy’ is done. Huh, I cant write it longer, Why why why??? 我会好好加油!!!
Married life
As a custom in Chinese family, a girl must be married, or you can say that it is a fixed rule that a woman must be married. If not, it will be negative view from the elders. I just cant understand it, that some of the people still believe this view, especially people that has educated ( I mean here is the people who has bachelor or master degree, and old/eldery). Well, Married is never across in my mine, till now. Lots of thing has to be done to reach the married life. It just not u and me, but the whole 2 family( as said in the dramas). This is true. Combination of 2 different people that spend the rest of their life together and never be separated unless death. For some people, married is easy and simple, they do it just perfectly the role but some are difficult.
For example, my aunty got ‘unwealthy’ husband and had to spend about 20+ year of her to be with him and prepare every thing for him. But what had she got? I think, nothing, nil. Yang ada, tiap tahun banjir, beresin, hidup pas2an, berantem terus, no good communication. Yang suami selalu mendengerkan suara2 dari abang ato sodara2 kandungnya tanpa memikirkan apa keinginan istri atau berkomunikasi dengan baik dan tanpa rahasia. My mum even said, my aunty has 苦命 till end of her life. At least, her last ‘home’ is settled good enough for her. That is only she got at the end of her life. I am soooo missing her.
Other case, good married life, but has no children, is also a problem. In Chinese tradition (again), child is a must, if not they will consider, not lucky and just blame the woman. The parents will blame the bride for can not born the babies without thinking or considering whose fault actually. Beside that, if the first child is not a boy or the couple can not have baby boy, it also consider ‘unluck’ cos can’t continuing their family line. The wife always be blamed, so picky  I still remember my biology teacher in SMU, she taught us that the man/husband who determined they gonna have baby girl or baby boy cos man has XY chromosomes and women has YY chromosomes which will give the chromosomes equally to her child. So please….. blame the man/husband who has different chromosomes. Don’t blame the women!!!!!
Few of my friends has married outside the country. And what I can see from them is they are not having babies as soon as they get married, they has tendency to hold to have babies, I don’t know why but I think it is really good so each other can understand better what he/she. For the one who has married di negara2 lain, g liat sih ada happily ever after although without kehadiran baby cos biaya hidup di luar sana tuh gede banget. One think I envy is they are workers and they can have enough money for them to travel ke luar negeri, jalan2. While yg tinggal di indo, walahhhhh, sama2 pekerja tapi kesempatan untuk jalan2 ke luar negeri minim sekali. Perbedaan yg sangat menyolok. So envy with their life, yang bisa jalan2 ke asia timur, eropa tiap tahun while mereka masih muda. Kl di indo, yg jalan2 malah yang tua, yg udah mulai start to pension. What a different!!!
Dah married, punya anak juga masalah, sorry these all in the view of negative side of married hahaha. Gimana cara mendidik anak jg menjadi masalah ke depan. Ada yang karna anaknya ga byk, jadi dimanja banget. Jaman skrg udah ga kaya dulu lagi, punya anak banyak2. Paling byk 1-3 doang. Ada yang berhasil mendidik anaknya disiplin, terbuka and kreatif. Ada juga yang membiarkan anaknya berkembang sendiri menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan. Tapi kenyataan yang ada. Kebanyakan dimanja berlebihan. If compare to my childhood, my mum never care too much with my study. Kl sekarang, ortu sibuk ikut anaknya skul, bikinkan pr ato prakaryanya, jadinya anaknya manja banget. Trus ada juga yg anaknya emang ‘kali bakat’ ga suka skul, buku pelajaran ga rapi, acak2an, tapi bisa aja lulus, ada jg yg rapi banget, rajin, pinter tapi ya biasa2 aja. Yg ga tahan sih kl anaknya ce, ga rapi n cuek ama sekitar serta cuek jg ama pelajarannya. Duh pusing…….. yang enak sih, kl bisa mendidik anaknya terbuka, teratur, takut ama orang tua, disiplin tapi ga kepo haha. No one is perfect but try to be perfect is good!!
This last few years I have learn a lot about Chinese traditions. So many that never been taught in life, I have learned it from tv shows and readings. In Taiwan, so easy to determined the bride has been pregnant or not when their wedding ceremony is taking out. Kl yg married, the bridenya bakal dipayungin payung item, means dah lagi hamil. Kl yg ga hamil, dipayungin pake talam dr bahan grass. And 家出去的女儿 是波出去的水. Kejam banget neh istilah. Anak gadis yang dinikahkan diartikan air yang sudah disiram keluar, ga bisa balik lagi, so the girl has to listen to her husband’s words. And urusan di 娘家sudah tidak menjadi urusan the girl lagi. Cruel hah?
Different religion jg a problem that had to be considered, beda agama beda cara pendidikan dan pengajaran. From what I see, yg Kristen, terutama yang kuat n rajin pelayanannya, will serahkan semuanya kepada Tuhan lewat doa2nya. So pasti selalu doa. Yg KAtolik, ya rajin ke gereja, gitu doang. Different ways of life will make the different of life quality.

The last 2 jobs that I had
Not bad sih, Cuma ya terjepit di tengah and salah g juga se, kaga minta training 1 bulan dulu, dah langsung tempur begitu, trus dikerjaain lagi ama bullshit people in the team. Udah gitu, g juga kaga ada pengalaman or bayangan bagaimana kerja di hotel, tapi mendengar penjelasan dorang ‘accors’ di pusat seh, gampang lah. Begitu juga pemikiran g, lah orang laen aja bisa, g jg mesti bisa dong. nah ini malah menjadi trauma buat g, and g klaim bahwa that job made me lost few kgs of my fat wahaha, in unhealthy way. Never thought I will met sucks people in the team. Yang ternyata tidak suka dengan kehadiran g di bagian financenya. I love finance job but –not to be idealist- environment also a factor in a job situation. Agak nyesal sih, melepas kerjaan di Rabo (yg gajinya pas2an tapi g hepi). Bisa kerja dengan konsen, meskipun kadang2 stress, but it a responsibility yang g suka. It already become habit kl kerja di rabo. 真的很后悔 melepas kerjaan di sana but nasi sudah menjadi bubur and to wake up again, is not an easy way to do.
Kerjaan berikutnya sih di plantation, yah ketemu bos aneh juga. Yg kaga ada kontrak kerja, trus suruh2 masuk hutan. And kerjain g, minta g terjemahkan laporan, yg secara ga sengaja, g ketemu terjemahannya di salah satu file di computer network. Emang g penerjemah? Minta g terjemahin laporan. Kan ga bener, meskipun lu bos. And also asking for lembur till midnite. Orang laen yg kerja di jkt aje kaga lembur ampe midnite, neh di kota kecil, lembur sampe midnite? Kaga salah? Well, I sooo have no luck n destiny with this company.

Next problem is how can I ‘wake up’ ? who to cure me? I am in deep ‘sick’ and need to be cure asap!!!!! Helppppppp 我生病!了谁来医?

new post coming soon

it has been a whilee
a new blog post will be up soon

Friday, June 18, 2010


i need to start blogging...
need to be diligent :D
story telling is a must I think


been more than 6 months. what should I do?
need help

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

nan guo

wo hao nan guo
hau xiang mei you direction of life
dont know what to do and no one i can ask for about this
What can i do? Go to capital city?Ihate there because lots of pejabat teras
i wish i can go back to sydney, i think that is the place where i belong....

Please help me God!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

kaget, aneh try to gabung kembali

well, just now chat through fb with some old friends
well on the other side try to make up with one of friend who i thinked has miss understood me for long time and been greedy with money

kaget aja tuh
ternyata kalo kumpul rame jg seh but the distance separated us all apart

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The hard of 2009

There are many things happened in the past few months. Last month, I lost my aunty. I never expect this to be happened so soon and sudden. She got heart attack and too late to be hospitalize as my cousin said. When people got first heart attack, he/she should consumed one kind of medicine, but my aunt didn’t. Well, you can say that this is destiny; you cannot refuse or accept it the way it was. The one thing that I really regret was she didn’t really enjoy her life; she has to work hard all through her life. Her adopted son was so disappointed; all he wants is money money and money. And his father was so unbelievable crazy. Why I say crazy? This is because he don’t have any basic, even to decided where to buried my aunty. He even has to ask his big brother, all the decided should be decided by his big brother???? Emang bener2 gila deh, co kaya gitu kaga punya pendirian, apa2 mesti org laen yg menentukan. Emang nasib nasib, apa mau dikata lagi. Then, after the burial then arised some other non sense excuses and reason to ‘throw’ away his son. Why you have to adopt a child if you don’t want to take responsible of him/her?

The next other thing was I resigned again for this latest job. The manager asked me to go to the plantation again and I refused to go then she got angry and complained that I have to work as she ordered, if not then don’t work, she even try to scary me that she will fire one of the employee. What the hell is this to do with me? You want to fire your employee, it was ur business, not mine, I don’t care at all. Then I just found out that most of the employees there dont like her. As she was employed and then reacted with her new role but don’t cooperate with other division, and even as other division to follow her instructions. Mana ada yg kaya begitu, ada juga saling menyesuaikan diri and melebur sambil kerja sama.

Now I am jobless and still cant find which way to follow. Parents are already asked me to form a family but this is hard thing to do. To find a job now is difficult, how can I form a family? It is not as easy as they think. All of my dreams are haven’t come true. I need to go back to the city that I felt happy and sad, which I spend some time there. So envy with W with the situation they have. Kapan g bisa kaya mereka? Rumah kecil sederhana ( I know that was not cheap but they enjoyed and happy) have nice life there, byk temen and kenalan.

The end of this time curhat :P