Another year has passed.
There are so many things to think about. Reflection of life, relationship with God and with society. Progress of studying, join the uni’s activities and many other stuffs.
The most important thing is relationship with God (obvious!!), then relationship with people around you. The less you communicate with them, the less close will be. This is true. I felt it that way, so how can I improve that? I was too ‘cuek’ person so I don’t care too much with other people’s problem because I think it was not in my scope to know.
Dah ah, dah jam 2 ngelantur kemana2, mending baca ttg advantages and disadvantages about CoCoA buat bahan exam hihi
Jia You!!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
I did it finally…
Just now, come back from City. I did something that I wanted to do since a long long time and now I felt glad that I have done it, although the thing I did doesn’t represent anything at all to other people but for me, I need a big support to do it. Tapi sebel,barangnya kok dah ga bagus sih? But next time, I promise, I will bring a good one. Untungnya lagi, ini di Sydney so people don’t care what you do.
Then just now, I lie again, but it is for my own sake, I think. I have to start making a distance, if not, I can make a mistake then in the future. I already said before so listen to my heart. Lord, guide me!!
Just now, come back from City. I did something that I wanted to do since a long long time and now I felt glad that I have done it, although the thing I did doesn’t represent anything at all to other people but for me, I need a big support to do it. Tapi sebel,barangnya kok dah ga bagus sih? But next time, I promise, I will bring a good one. Untungnya lagi, ini di Sydney so people don’t care what you do.
Then just now, I lie again, but it is for my own sake, I think. I have to start making a distance, if not, I can make a mistake then in the future. I already said before so listen to my heart. Lord, guide me!!
Friday, April 29, 2005
No way out for the moment...
I have been thinking a lot lately, about life, friendship, relationship, study, uni life and everything that comes into my mind. Truely, at the moment, i dont know wat should i do.
Tomorrow, i have a plan that i wish to do since long long time ago. hopefully I can do it.
and just now, few hours ago, i did stupid mistake by online and then it really disturb my concentration. cen de pen tan!! Stupid stupid stupid!!! I kept saying to myself, dont online, dont online, but i still online and now, you see, i got the bad side effect of this stupid decision.
oh, how come you dont hear what ur heart say? too naughty to obey wat ur heart say.
the other problem that still in my thinking is that wat happen if you were born with many mixed blood? I mean ur blood consist of many nationalities? should you be gratefull or regret it? i think it depends on wat nationalities you have. If you have much of huan kia's blood, then thai ke si lah. I wont like it and will make a certain distance to that limit. on the other hand(duh kaya essay aja), if you can survive because of this strange mixed blood that make you 'dikucilkan' from the majority, you are brave but again, i will keep distance because there are so many not blessed things happen because of this problem. Hey, wat am i talking about? subuh2 ngetiknya seh cepat but meramput apa neh? duhhhhh
at least i shout out wat i think at the moment because i cant share it with other people around me at this time, this is not the time yet.
tomorrow, what is going to happen? Let it be!! but please dont make me felt 'malu banget', k
oh God, please help me make up a reason for tomorrow!! i want to avoid bad thing to happen. I believe You will help me!! amin.
loh kok malah jadi doa seh. duh tulalit mode is on now.
i wish i can meet you guys, ruth, hanny, i really miss you, friends, cant wait to see you again. i want to escape for the moment, too many pressure on me right now...................
From now on, listen to wat ur heart say, jangan nakallllllllllllllllllllll
done for now. still not lega but at least i shouted out already.
I have been thinking a lot lately, about life, friendship, relationship, study, uni life and everything that comes into my mind. Truely, at the moment, i dont know wat should i do.
Tomorrow, i have a plan that i wish to do since long long time ago. hopefully I can do it.
and just now, few hours ago, i did stupid mistake by online and then it really disturb my concentration. cen de pen tan!! Stupid stupid stupid!!! I kept saying to myself, dont online, dont online, but i still online and now, you see, i got the bad side effect of this stupid decision.
oh, how come you dont hear what ur heart say? too naughty to obey wat ur heart say.
the other problem that still in my thinking is that wat happen if you were born with many mixed blood? I mean ur blood consist of many nationalities? should you be gratefull or regret it? i think it depends on wat nationalities you have. If you have much of huan kia's blood, then thai ke si lah. I wont like it and will make a certain distance to that limit. on the other hand(duh kaya essay aja), if you can survive because of this strange mixed blood that make you 'dikucilkan' from the majority, you are brave but again, i will keep distance because there are so many not blessed things happen because of this problem. Hey, wat am i talking about? subuh2 ngetiknya seh cepat but meramput apa neh? duhhhhh
at least i shout out wat i think at the moment because i cant share it with other people around me at this time, this is not the time yet.
tomorrow, what is going to happen? Let it be!! but please dont make me felt 'malu banget', k
oh God, please help me make up a reason for tomorrow!! i want to avoid bad thing to happen. I believe You will help me!! amin.
loh kok malah jadi doa seh. duh tulalit mode is on now.
i wish i can meet you guys, ruth, hanny, i really miss you, friends, cant wait to see you again. i want to escape for the moment, too many pressure on me right now...................
From now on, listen to wat ur heart say, jangan nakallllllllllllllllllllll
done for now. still not lega but at least i shouted out already.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
How come it so difficult to accept critiques? Even though the critiques are wise enough for you to apply?
and how so lucky that the critiques that I accepted, not directly given to me, exactly in my face, but through chatting?
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks".
kok jadi mirip blog g di prenster yah? kacau dah hahahahahhahha
How come it so difficult to accept critiques? Even though the critiques are wise enough for you to apply?
and how so lucky that the critiques that I accepted, not directly given to me, exactly in my face, but through chatting?
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks".
kok jadi mirip blog g di prenster yah? kacau dah hahahahahhahha
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Rearrange my life…
Today is public holiday here. Oz people are celebrating the Anzac Day, it is just like Hari Pahlawan in Indonesia. Nothing I can do on this day because everyone was busy with their own stuffs. I was doing/finishing my assignment, which I don’t really sure that is a good report, but at least I try to do it and then I will cut it to reach its word limit.
Today, I got my laptop fixed and installed with new softwares, installed new anti virus that I don’t have before. Gelo yah g, ga ada anti virus but donlod2 lagu, emang dodol dah, dah gitu lumyan gaptek lagi, thx God, I have friends that can help me with this problems.
Today, I did nothing at all. Just try to finish my assignment and try to study. I didn’t expect that fixing my computer will take a long long time, almost half day, and I was a bit curious what he is going to do by fixing my laptop. Is he and friends planning for something next week? Or I just curious too much? Ah don’t care anyway but still curious, want to know :(
I have to start to study now, no other choice, on Thursday, I have to finish editing my assignment so on Friday I can summit my assignment on time.
Well, yesterday was nana’s bday. As usual, few of us were planning the surprise party for her. I think we did it pretty well but when we finished the party, she started to cry because of that bloody melb. guy. He didn’t call her, which is good but she ended up with crying and made a friend of mine panic. Well, I used to that situation before so santai aja. At first, I also got panic but then I realize she is just sentimental. I am sure she is ok now. Hopefully she is getting over it soon.
Well, this is the end of these few days journey.
Long journey will be continued….
Today is public holiday here. Oz people are celebrating the Anzac Day, it is just like Hari Pahlawan in Indonesia. Nothing I can do on this day because everyone was busy with their own stuffs. I was doing/finishing my assignment, which I don’t really sure that is a good report, but at least I try to do it and then I will cut it to reach its word limit.
Today, I got my laptop fixed and installed with new softwares, installed new anti virus that I don’t have before. Gelo yah g, ga ada anti virus but donlod2 lagu, emang dodol dah, dah gitu lumyan gaptek lagi, thx God, I have friends that can help me with this problems.
Today, I did nothing at all. Just try to finish my assignment and try to study. I didn’t expect that fixing my computer will take a long long time, almost half day, and I was a bit curious what he is going to do by fixing my laptop. Is he and friends planning for something next week? Or I just curious too much? Ah don’t care anyway but still curious, want to know :(
I have to start to study now, no other choice, on Thursday, I have to finish editing my assignment so on Friday I can summit my assignment on time.
Well, yesterday was nana’s bday. As usual, few of us were planning the surprise party for her. I think we did it pretty well but when we finished the party, she started to cry because of that bloody melb. guy. He didn’t call her, which is good but she ended up with crying and made a friend of mine panic. Well, I used to that situation before so santai aja. At first, I also got panic but then I realize she is just sentimental. I am sure she is ok now. Hopefully she is getting over it soon.
Well, this is the end of these few days journey.
Long journey will be continued….
Be tough!!
Happy Bday, mate
How everything is ok and u soon forget that bloody stupid guy in melb that heard you a lot. Cheer up, girl!! We care about u, so let go your self from this knot, k?
Been busy for the whole week, have sat in front of computer for days, make my eyes suffered.
The next coming week will be busy as well :(
Happy Bday, mate
How everything is ok and u soon forget that bloody stupid guy in melb that heard you a lot. Cheer up, girl!! We care about u, so let go your self from this knot, k?
Been busy for the whole week, have sat in front of computer for days, make my eyes suffered.
The next coming week will be busy as well :(
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Everyone has their own problems. But this time, I found Desy crying in her praying, I don’t know what to do, help her? But she seem don’t want my help. I am not her any one, she just my new housemate. Ce me pan?
Preparing nana’s bday present took a lot of time, every one is busy with their own things, assignments, exams and other personal stuffs. And then me again have to arrange it and prepare it, luckily some friends are willing to help, so we discussed it through messenger but I still the ‘main’ responsible.
Just now, she came in to my room and asking me, wat I am doing now, I said, doing my assignment, she didn’t know what I typed just now :P hai yah so aneh that people.
My feeling just ok now but tooooo lazy to start the assignments. I have the ideas in my mind but cant put it in writing. I know what the assignment asking for but the main problem is LAZY ………
My relationship with other friends seem look better and better but not with Hailsetan itu. Don’t know why I try to avoid to make important conversation with her. Just talk the ‘basa basi’ stuffs. And back to Nana’s bday present, she also wanted to give her idea but don’t want to help. Hmmm, rese aja gitu loh, hanya pengen memuaskan kemauannya dia doang tanpa berpikir org laen yg lagi kerjain hal tersebut. She can use her exams as reason but other friends jg ada exams kan? Not only her, have exams in front. Ok enough bout her.
Oren, one of my online friend is missing, cant contact her, cant message her, cant email her. Where is she? Oren, if u read my blog, please contact me, k?
\back to study againnnnnnn, hopefully hihi
Everyone has their own problems. But this time, I found Desy crying in her praying, I don’t know what to do, help her? But she seem don’t want my help. I am not her any one, she just my new housemate. Ce me pan?
Preparing nana’s bday present took a lot of time, every one is busy with their own things, assignments, exams and other personal stuffs. And then me again have to arrange it and prepare it, luckily some friends are willing to help, so we discussed it through messenger but I still the ‘main’ responsible.
Just now, she came in to my room and asking me, wat I am doing now, I said, doing my assignment, she didn’t know what I typed just now :P hai yah so aneh that people.
My feeling just ok now but tooooo lazy to start the assignments. I have the ideas in my mind but cant put it in writing. I know what the assignment asking for but the main problem is LAZY ………
My relationship with other friends seem look better and better but not with Hailsetan itu. Don’t know why I try to avoid to make important conversation with her. Just talk the ‘basa basi’ stuffs. And back to Nana’s bday present, she also wanted to give her idea but don’t want to help. Hmmm, rese aja gitu loh, hanya pengen memuaskan kemauannya dia doang tanpa berpikir org laen yg lagi kerjain hal tersebut. She can use her exams as reason but other friends jg ada exams kan? Not only her, have exams in front. Ok enough bout her.
Oren, one of my online friend is missing, cant contact her, cant message her, cant email her. Where is she? Oren, if u read my blog, please contact me, k?
\back to study againnnnnnn, hopefully hihi
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
lost and found again..
just watched desperate housewives, everyweek i got a good quote from the series.
tonite quote is we dont know who we can trust.
felt miserable, i did a little lie today but wu suo wei lah, i met amanda and she told me about her telemarketing jobs, funny :)
felt not ok now, cos lots of things need to be done in the same time and i also need to work for my holiday budget. wuahhhh pusing
just watched desperate housewives, everyweek i got a good quote from the series.
tonite quote is we dont know who we can trust.
felt miserable, i did a little lie today but wu suo wei lah, i met amanda and she told me about her telemarketing jobs, funny :)
felt not ok now, cos lots of things need to be done in the same time and i also need to work for my holiday budget. wuahhhh pusing
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
stucked at Positive Accounting Theory and now i am moving on CoCoA (Continous ly Contemporary Accounting).
duh apaan seh itu?
this afternoon. I only spend less than 1 hour in the libr and then went home sleep. Now lagi mentok baca accounting theory yg emang amit2 byk banget itu
helppp helpppp... kelelep neh g hehhehehe
duh apaan seh itu?
this afternoon. I only spend less than 1 hour in the libr and then went home sleep. Now lagi mentok baca accounting theory yg emang amit2 byk banget itu
helppp helpppp... kelelep neh g hehhehehe
Thursday, April 14, 2005
How come giving advise to other people is easy? and when u know wat u have to do is difficult to implement?
kasih nasehat seh gampang ke org and orang yg dapet nasehat itu jg grateful gitu, but kok g ga bisa yah laksanakan nasehat tersebut sendiri?
anyway, 3 more months i will be at home :)
and another problems will come out by that time :(
jobless, job seekers ...
How come giving advise to other people is easy? and when u know wat u have to do is difficult to implement?
kasih nasehat seh gampang ke org and orang yg dapet nasehat itu jg grateful gitu, but kok g ga bisa yah laksanakan nasehat tersebut sendiri?
anyway, 3 more months i will be at home :)
and another problems will come out by that time :(
jobless, job seekers ...
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Trying to back on track...
Today, such a long long day.
try to finish my assignment, read 5943, go to libr, class and then got news that the mid exam is postponed to week 9 which is 3 weeks from now. I dont know what should I do, be happy or sad. On one side, i have extra time for studying but at the other side, since the exam is on the beginning of the month, probably at that time I will be working. gimana dong, mau kena mundur jg kena. Pengen ujian beres and sukses, pengen jg kerja dapet duit, duhhhhhh
Today, such a long long day.
try to finish my assignment, read 5943, go to libr, class and then got news that the mid exam is postponed to week 9 which is 3 weeks from now. I dont know what should I do, be happy or sad. On one side, i have extra time for studying but at the other side, since the exam is on the beginning of the month, probably at that time I will be working. gimana dong, mau kena mundur jg kena. Pengen ujian beres and sukses, pengen jg kerja dapet duit, duhhhhhh
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Lost again…..
I have thinking and thinking and thinking, what is going on with me this lately. Work like maniac, saving money like I never do, chatting a lot with one particular person (this has to be stopped, virus, but can I do that? Sometimes helping a friend is a great satisfaction but too much help also can harm me), don’t care with my assignments and study, don’t obey my praying time. Don’t know what is happening to me, I have tried to fix it but still cant.
I need to talk to somebody that really understand me, understand what I want now, understand how I feel now, understand what I want to achieve now and the point is understand me truly. As In desperate housewives: Human are complicated creatures. And now I felt that I am really complicated, there are so many things I have to do and I haven’t even finished them all perfectly.
Let start with the ticketing, Jo has sent the going home letter to me and I supposed to book the ticket right away but till now, I haven’t done anything with it. Still can decide when I want to go home. Truly I don’t want to go home, I love Sydney despite the city is not like the ‘bule’ city I expected, but I love Sydney, I am gonna miss Sydney.
Next thing, I have planned in my mind that I have to finish searching the companies vacancies in april but I havent done anything yet. Haven’t fixed my resume yet. Well, by the end of this month I should have, at least, planned what I have to do, but I failed to do that. Sigh!!,
Coming up next, mid exam of ACCT 5943, it is like hell, the materials are too theoretical, how I supposed to memorize it and it will come out in multiple choice questions? The other subject has assignment due at the end of this months, I just started to read the questions and it seem almost the same as ACCT 5931, about 5 forces of Porters.
Next, Nana’s bday, don’t have any plan. I don’t know what to do for her bday, cos at that time everyone is busy with their own exams and assignment. The week after will be my bday. A bit scare to celebrate my bday, u know what, I am getting older, sigh!, I wish I can discount my age. I don’t know what my friends are going to prepare. -deleted-
Next, I just realize that I lost or forget where I put my prayer book. I cant find it. Gawat, kudu cari neh besok pagi.
Medicine of my stress is crying but this lately I hardly even can cried, my mind want to cried but my eyes didn’t compromise. Last Sunday, I found out that I lost my niece and I didn’t feel sad at all. How cruel I was? She was just 1 day old; I even have no chance to see her for the first time and she just gone….
I want to cry, to shout out loud….,pray to the Lord, asking for guidance cos I am really really lost now.
can I turn off my messenger everytime I log in to the internet? Can I do that? I will try my best, just pretend my messenger is broken? Can i? I doubt myself . ce me pan?? Wo hen pusinggggg
I have thinking and thinking and thinking, what is going on with me this lately. Work like maniac, saving money like I never do, chatting a lot with one particular person (this has to be stopped, virus, but can I do that? Sometimes helping a friend is a great satisfaction but too much help also can harm me), don’t care with my assignments and study, don’t obey my praying time. Don’t know what is happening to me, I have tried to fix it but still cant.
I need to talk to somebody that really understand me, understand what I want now, understand how I feel now, understand what I want to achieve now and the point is understand me truly. As In desperate housewives: Human are complicated creatures. And now I felt that I am really complicated, there are so many things I have to do and I haven’t even finished them all perfectly.
Let start with the ticketing, Jo has sent the going home letter to me and I supposed to book the ticket right away but till now, I haven’t done anything with it. Still can decide when I want to go home. Truly I don’t want to go home, I love Sydney despite the city is not like the ‘bule’ city I expected, but I love Sydney, I am gonna miss Sydney.
Next thing, I have planned in my mind that I have to finish searching the companies vacancies in april but I havent done anything yet. Haven’t fixed my resume yet. Well, by the end of this month I should have, at least, planned what I have to do, but I failed to do that. Sigh!!,
Coming up next, mid exam of ACCT 5943, it is like hell, the materials are too theoretical, how I supposed to memorize it and it will come out in multiple choice questions? The other subject has assignment due at the end of this months, I just started to read the questions and it seem almost the same as ACCT 5931, about 5 forces of Porters.
Next, Nana’s bday, don’t have any plan. I don’t know what to do for her bday, cos at that time everyone is busy with their own exams and assignment. The week after will be my bday. A bit scare to celebrate my bday, u know what, I am getting older, sigh!, I wish I can discount my age. I don’t know what my friends are going to prepare. -deleted-
Next, I just realize that I lost or forget where I put my prayer book. I cant find it. Gawat, kudu cari neh besok pagi.
Medicine of my stress is crying but this lately I hardly even can cried, my mind want to cried but my eyes didn’t compromise. Last Sunday, I found out that I lost my niece and I didn’t feel sad at all. How cruel I was? She was just 1 day old; I even have no chance to see her for the first time and she just gone….
I want to cry, to shout out loud….,pray to the Lord, asking for guidance cos I am really really lost now.
can I turn off my messenger everytime I log in to the internet? Can I do that? I will try my best, just pretend my messenger is broken? Can i? I doubt myself . ce me pan?? Wo hen pusinggggg
Still Lost
got friendster msg from Tino : every thing just fine and just trying to keep my world turning far... so tired... THEN yup... my num still the same... happy easter 2and looking forward to meet u
everyone seems so busy and tired, and me toooooooo
too many things to do, just finished my application letter and send it already
but my feeling still lost and still cant find the way out, ce me pan? efeknya skrg lage ntn Mr. Figthing 13, close to the end ...
got friendster msg from Tino : every thing just fine and just trying to keep my world turning far... so tired... THEN yup... my num still the same... happy easter 2and looking forward to meet u
everyone seems so busy and tired, and me toooooooo
too many things to do, just finished my application letter and send it already
but my feeling still lost and still cant find the way out, ce me pan? efeknya skrg lage ntn Mr. Figthing 13, close to the end ...
Sunday, April 10, 2005
LOST ...
This lately, there are so many thing happened in my life. This morning after the mass, we went to Chinese Restaurant for yum cha aka Chinese breakfast :), cost me a lot but ended up with the ‘unwanted’ topic between vero and nana. Sampe2 ‘war’ between those two.
Then Nana has more info about Clarte and Vero but she don’t want to tell me, make me curious padahal g lagi want something from Clarte, but have to kubur dalam2 deh about this, don’t want to have connection with vero and stuffs. Duh g jadi penasaran deh. But at least I had someone I can talk to about this. Truly, I was a bit confince by nana about ver’s attitude about this topic. Masing2 punya ego yang dipertahankan and g dasarnya diem aje cos g males bahas topic tersebut and I am trying to build my relationship again with her in new way, try to be her friend again but with limitations. eh si irvie jg had something that i dont know about vero. this girl quite diem about this too, make me penasaran jg neh
About PnG, I haven’t apply yet, and a bit freaking out cos a friend of mine has send it and I myself haven’t even start to make my resume letter. Takut tersaingin neh, and this lately I felt that I am afraid that I cant get a job when I graduate in July, serem ga sih, kl sampe ga dapet kerjaan ntar di indo? The best thing is I can go home but I will miss Sydney (my tears are falling down now, already miss Sydney while I still there).
Talk to clarte make me a bit confidence cos he gave me a lot of views and then I know what I should do but I still don’t have enough time and keep chatting aja tiap malam, duh, makin ngaco aja neh g
Baru hari ini g berani telp rumah asking about my niece, telp rumah ga ada orang, semua ke tempat Ama, then I called my ipar lah, then she told me, she had gone a day after she was born, sad jg neh, or probably this is not the right time :( Sad….
Then pope has gone too, don’t know him much but because of his death I know more about him , the holy one
This lately, there are so many thing happened in my life. This morning after the mass, we went to Chinese Restaurant for yum cha aka Chinese breakfast :), cost me a lot but ended up with the ‘unwanted’ topic between vero and nana. Sampe2 ‘war’ between those two.
Then Nana has more info about Clarte and Vero but she don’t want to tell me, make me curious padahal g lagi want something from Clarte, but have to kubur dalam2 deh about this, don’t want to have connection with vero and stuffs. Duh g jadi penasaran deh. But at least I had someone I can talk to about this. Truly, I was a bit confince by nana about ver’s attitude about this topic. Masing2 punya ego yang dipertahankan and g dasarnya diem aje cos g males bahas topic tersebut and I am trying to build my relationship again with her in new way, try to be her friend again but with limitations. eh si irvie jg had something that i dont know about vero. this girl quite diem about this too, make me penasaran jg neh
About PnG, I haven’t apply yet, and a bit freaking out cos a friend of mine has send it and I myself haven’t even start to make my resume letter. Takut tersaingin neh, and this lately I felt that I am afraid that I cant get a job when I graduate in July, serem ga sih, kl sampe ga dapet kerjaan ntar di indo? The best thing is I can go home but I will miss Sydney (my tears are falling down now, already miss Sydney while I still there).
Talk to clarte make me a bit confidence cos he gave me a lot of views and then I know what I should do but I still don’t have enough time and keep chatting aja tiap malam, duh, makin ngaco aja neh g
Baru hari ini g berani telp rumah asking about my niece, telp rumah ga ada orang, semua ke tempat Ama, then I called my ipar lah, then she told me, she had gone a day after she was born, sad jg neh, or probably this is not the right time :( Sad….
Then pope has gone too, don’t know him much but because of his death I know more about him , the holy one
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Text of Pope John Paul II's testamentFriday, April 8, 2005
VATICAN CITY (AFP) - The Vatican on Thursday released the text of the last will and testament of Pope John Paul II.
Following is an unofficial translation of the document from the Italian text released by the Vatican, which appeared to be unfinished notes and thoughts originally drafted in Polish, the pope's native language. Notes from the Vatican are included in brackets.
The text reflects the style and punctuation of the pope, as well as his exact phraseology.
Totus Tuus ego sum. (I am entirely yours) In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" -- these words remind me of the final summons, which will happen at the time God wills. I wish that I may follow Him and that every part of my life prepare me for that moment. I do not know when it will occur, but as with everything, I place this moment also in the hands of the Mother of my Master: Totus Tuus. In the same maternal hands I leave everything and everyone to whom I have been connected by my life and my vocation. In these Hands, I leave above all the Church, and also my nation and all of humanity. I thank everyone. To everyone, I ask forgiveness. I also ask for prayer, for the Mercy of God to show itself to be greater than my weakness and my unworthiness. During spiritual exercises, I have re-read the testament of the Holy Father Paul VI. This reading has impelled me to write this present testament. I leave behind me no property that needs to be disposed of. As for the objects of daily use that served me, I ask that they be distributed as seems appropriate. May my personal notes be burnt. I ask that this matter be attended to by Don Stanislaw, whom I thank for his collaboration and for such prolonged and comprehensive help over the years. All other gratitude, however, I keep in my heart before God himself, because they are difficult to express. As for the funeral, I repeat the same arrangements that were given by the Holy Father Paul VI. (Vatican: "Here a note in the margin: a tomb in the ground, not in a sarcophagus, 13.3.1992). "apud Dominum misericordia et copiosa apud Eum redemptio" John Paul pp. II (In the house of the Lord, mercy, and great is the redemption therein) Rome, 6.III.1979 After death, I ask for Holy Masses and prayers. 5.III.1990
Page without a date: I express the deepest faith that, despite all my weakness, the Lord will give me every necessary grace to face according to His will whatever duty, trial, and suffering that He may ask of His servant throughout life. I also have faith that He will never allow me through any of my acts -- words, works, or omissions -- to betray my obligations in this Holy See of Peter.
24.II-1--III.1980 Also during these spiritual exercises I have reflected on the truth of Ministry of Christ in the expectation of that transition which for each of us is the moment of our death. From the departure from this world -- to be born in the other, the future world, an eloquent sign ëVatican: added above: decisiveû for us is the Resurrection of Christ. I have therefore read the entry of my testament last year, also made during the spiritual exercises -- I compared it to the testament of my great Predecessor and Father Paul VI, with that sublime testimony on the death of a Christian and of a pope -- and I renewed in myself the awareness of questions to which the entry of 6.III.1979 prepared by me (in a rather provisional way) refers. Today I wish to add to it only this: that each of us has to keep in mind the prospect of death. And has to be ready to present himself before the Lord and the Judge -- and at the same time, Redeemer and Father. So, I too take this into consideration constantly, entrusting that decisive moment to the Mother of Christ and of the Church -- to the Mother of my hope. The times in which we live are inexpressibly difficult and restless. Difficult and tense also has become the life of the Church, in a characteristic trial of our times -- as much for the Faithful as for the Pastors. In some Countries (for example like the one of which I have read during the spiritual exercises), the Church finds itself in a period of persecution no less than that of the first centuries, in fact it surpasses it in its degree of ruthlessness and hate. Sanguis martyrum semen christianorum. (the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christianity). And in addition, thousands of people disappear innocently, even in this Country in which they live... I want once again to totally entrust myself to the grace of the Lord. He will decide when and how I have to finish my earthly life and my pastoral ministry. In life and in death Totus Tuus through the Immaculate. Accepting already even now this death, I hope that Christ will give me the grace for the last passage, that is (my) Easter. I also hope that this is of use for this most important cause that I seek to serve: the salvation of mankind, the safeguarding of the human family, including all nations and peoples (amongst them I turn in a particular way my own earthly homeland), of use also to the people that in a particular way have entrusted me with questions concerning the Church, for the glory of God Himself. I do not wish to add anything to what I wrote a year ago -- only to express that readiness and at the same time that faith, to which these spiritual exercises have again disposed me. John Paul II Totus Tuus ego sum
5.III.1982 During the spiritual exercises of this year, I (repeatedly) re-read the text of the testament of 6.III.1979. Although I still consider it temporary (not final), I leave in its current form. I change (for the time being) nothing, and neither do I add anything, concerning the arrangements contained in them. The attempt on my life of 13.V.1981 in some way has confirmed the truth of the words written in the period of spiritual exercises of 1980 (24.II-1.III). I feel even more profoundly that I am totally in the Hands of God -- and I remain continuously at the service of my Lord, entrusting myself to Him in His Immaculate Mother (Totus Tuus). John Paul II
5.III.1982 In connection with the last phrase of my testament of 6.III.1979 ("On the location/ the location that is of the funeral/ the College of Cardinals and Compatriots will decide) I clarify what I have in mind: the archbishop of Krakow and the General Council of the Episcopate of Poland -- I ask the College of Cardinals in the meantime to satisfy as far as possible the eventual demands of those listed.
1.III.1985 (during the spiritual exercises) Again -- regarding the expression "College of Cardinals and Compatriots": the "College of Cardinals" has no obligation to consult "the Compatriots" on this question; it can nonetheless do so if for any reason it finds it appropriate. JPII
The spiritual exercises of the jubilee year 2000 (12-18-lll)
1. When on October 16 1978 the conclave of cardinals chose John Paul II, the primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski told me: "the task of the new pope will be to introduce the Church to the third millennium. I don't know if I repeat the phrase exactly, but at least that is the sense of what I then heard. This was said by the man who has passed into history as the Primate of the Millennium. A great Primate. I was a witness to his mission, to his total dedication. To his struggle: to his victory. "Victory when it comes will be a victory through Mary" -- the Primate of the Millennium used to repeat these words by his predecessor, Cardinal August Hlond. In this way I was in some way prepared for the task that was presented to me on October 16, 1978 In the moment I write these words, the Jubilee year of 2000 is already a reality taking place. On the night of December 24, 1999 the symbolic Great Jubilee door of St. Peter's basilica was opened followed by that of St.John in Lateran and then, on New Year's Day, that of St. Mary Major and on January 19 that of St. Paul's "outside the walls." This last event, through its ecumenical nature, particularly remains fixed in memory. As the jubilee year 2000 advances, the 20th century closes day by day behind us and the 21st century opens. According to the designs of providence, I have been given to live in the difficult century that is retreating into the past, and now in the year in which my life has reached the 80th year ("octogesima adveniens), I have to ask myself whether it is not time to repeat the Nunc dimittis." (Now lettest thou thy servant depart) with the Biblical Simeone. On May 13, 1981, the day of the attack on the pope during the general audience in St. Peter's Square, Divine Providence saved me miraculously from death. With Him who is the only Lord of life and death, even He has prolonged this life and in a certain sense has given me a new one. From this moment it belongs even more to Him. I hope that He will assist me to recognize how long I should continue in this service, to which he called me on October 16, 1978. I ask Him to call me when He wills. "Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's" (cf Romans 14,8). I also hope that so long as I have the responsibility for the Petrine service of the Church, the Mercy of God will give me the strength necessary to perform this service. As in every year during the spiritual exercises, I have re-read my testament of 6.III. 1979, I continue to maintain the arrangements contained therein. What was added then and in subsequent spiritual exercises constitutes a reflection on the difficult and tense general situation that marked the 1980s. After the Autumn of 1989, this situation has changed. The last decade of the last century was free of the preceding tensions; that does not mean that it did not bring new problems and difficulties. In particular, may Divine Providence be praised for this, that the period of so-called "Cold War" has ended without the violent nuclear conflict of which the danger weighed on the world in the preceding period. Standing on the threshold of the third millennio "in medio Ecclesiae" (in the midst of the Church), I wish also to express gratitude to the Holy Spirit for the great Gift of the Second Vatican Council, to which with the entire Church -- and above all with the entire episcopate - I feel I am in debt. I am convinced that for a long time yet new generations will drink from the source of riches that this Council of the Twentieth century has lavished on us. As a bishop who participated in this conciliar event from the first day to the last, I wish to entrust this great heritage to all those who are and who will in future be called to fulfil it. For my part, I thank the eternal Shepherd who has allowed me to serve this very great cause in the course of all the years of my pontificate. "In medio Ecclesiae" ... from the very first years of service as a bishop -- precisely because of the Council -- I have been able to experience the brotherly communion of the Episcopate. As a priest in the Archdiocese of Krakow, I experienced what could be the fraternal communion of the presbytery -- the Council has opened a new dimension to this experience. How many people should I mention! Probably the Lord God has called most of them to Himself - as for those who still find themselves in these parts, may the words of this testament remember them, all of them, and wherever they may be. In the course of the more than twenty years in which I have carried out the service of Peter "in medio Ecclesiae" I have experienced the benevolent and so fruitful collaboration of so many Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops, so many priests, so many consecrated people -- Brothers and Sisters -- and last not least so many lay people in the circle of the curia, in the vicariate of the Rome diocese, as well as further afield. How can I not embrace with grateful memory all the Episcopates of the world, with whom I have met during the successive visits "ad limina Apostolorum!" (to the shrines of the Apostles). How can I not remember so many Christian Brothers -- non-Catholics! And the rabbi of Rome and so many representatives of the non-Christian religions! And how many representatives of the worlds of culture, of science, of politics and the means of social communication! As the limits of my earthly life approach, I return to the memories of the beginning, of my Parents, of my Brother and Sister (who I did not know because she died before my birth), of the parish of Wadowice where I was baptized, of my beloved hometown, of the people of my age, companions of my elementary school, high school and university up to the time of the occupation when I worked as a laborer, and next in the parish of Niegowie, the Cracov parish of St. Floriano, of my pastoral work among the academics ... of the circles .. to all the circles ... of Krakov and Rome ... to the people people who in a special way have been entrusted to my by the Lord. To all, I wish to say this one thing: "May God reward you." "In manus Tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum" (Into Your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit).
VATICAN CITY (AFP) - The Vatican on Thursday released the text of the last will and testament of Pope John Paul II.
Following is an unofficial translation of the document from the Italian text released by the Vatican, which appeared to be unfinished notes and thoughts originally drafted in Polish, the pope's native language. Notes from the Vatican are included in brackets.
The text reflects the style and punctuation of the pope, as well as his exact phraseology.
Totus Tuus ego sum. (I am entirely yours) In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity. Amen "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" -- these words remind me of the final summons, which will happen at the time God wills. I wish that I may follow Him and that every part of my life prepare me for that moment. I do not know when it will occur, but as with everything, I place this moment also in the hands of the Mother of my Master: Totus Tuus. In the same maternal hands I leave everything and everyone to whom I have been connected by my life and my vocation. In these Hands, I leave above all the Church, and also my nation and all of humanity. I thank everyone. To everyone, I ask forgiveness. I also ask for prayer, for the Mercy of God to show itself to be greater than my weakness and my unworthiness. During spiritual exercises, I have re-read the testament of the Holy Father Paul VI. This reading has impelled me to write this present testament. I leave behind me no property that needs to be disposed of. As for the objects of daily use that served me, I ask that they be distributed as seems appropriate. May my personal notes be burnt. I ask that this matter be attended to by Don Stanislaw, whom I thank for his collaboration and for such prolonged and comprehensive help over the years. All other gratitude, however, I keep in my heart before God himself, because they are difficult to express. As for the funeral, I repeat the same arrangements that were given by the Holy Father Paul VI. (Vatican: "Here a note in the margin: a tomb in the ground, not in a sarcophagus, 13.3.1992). "apud Dominum misericordia et copiosa apud Eum redemptio" John Paul pp. II (In the house of the Lord, mercy, and great is the redemption therein) Rome, 6.III.1979 After death, I ask for Holy Masses and prayers. 5.III.1990
Page without a date: I express the deepest faith that, despite all my weakness, the Lord will give me every necessary grace to face according to His will whatever duty, trial, and suffering that He may ask of His servant throughout life. I also have faith that He will never allow me through any of my acts -- words, works, or omissions -- to betray my obligations in this Holy See of Peter.
24.II-1--III.1980 Also during these spiritual exercises I have reflected on the truth of Ministry of Christ in the expectation of that transition which for each of us is the moment of our death. From the departure from this world -- to be born in the other, the future world, an eloquent sign ëVatican: added above: decisiveû for us is the Resurrection of Christ. I have therefore read the entry of my testament last year, also made during the spiritual exercises -- I compared it to the testament of my great Predecessor and Father Paul VI, with that sublime testimony on the death of a Christian and of a pope -- and I renewed in myself the awareness of questions to which the entry of 6.III.1979 prepared by me (in a rather provisional way) refers. Today I wish to add to it only this: that each of us has to keep in mind the prospect of death. And has to be ready to present himself before the Lord and the Judge -- and at the same time, Redeemer and Father. So, I too take this into consideration constantly, entrusting that decisive moment to the Mother of Christ and of the Church -- to the Mother of my hope. The times in which we live are inexpressibly difficult and restless. Difficult and tense also has become the life of the Church, in a characteristic trial of our times -- as much for the Faithful as for the Pastors. In some Countries (for example like the one of which I have read during the spiritual exercises), the Church finds itself in a period of persecution no less than that of the first centuries, in fact it surpasses it in its degree of ruthlessness and hate. Sanguis martyrum semen christianorum. (the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christianity). And in addition, thousands of people disappear innocently, even in this Country in which they live... I want once again to totally entrust myself to the grace of the Lord. He will decide when and how I have to finish my earthly life and my pastoral ministry. In life and in death Totus Tuus through the Immaculate. Accepting already even now this death, I hope that Christ will give me the grace for the last passage, that is (my) Easter. I also hope that this is of use for this most important cause that I seek to serve: the salvation of mankind, the safeguarding of the human family, including all nations and peoples (amongst them I turn in a particular way my own earthly homeland), of use also to the people that in a particular way have entrusted me with questions concerning the Church, for the glory of God Himself. I do not wish to add anything to what I wrote a year ago -- only to express that readiness and at the same time that faith, to which these spiritual exercises have again disposed me. John Paul II Totus Tuus ego sum
5.III.1982 During the spiritual exercises of this year, I (repeatedly) re-read the text of the testament of 6.III.1979. Although I still consider it temporary (not final), I leave in its current form. I change (for the time being) nothing, and neither do I add anything, concerning the arrangements contained in them. The attempt on my life of 13.V.1981 in some way has confirmed the truth of the words written in the period of spiritual exercises of 1980 (24.II-1.III). I feel even more profoundly that I am totally in the Hands of God -- and I remain continuously at the service of my Lord, entrusting myself to Him in His Immaculate Mother (Totus Tuus). John Paul II
5.III.1982 In connection with the last phrase of my testament of 6.III.1979 ("On the location/ the location that is of the funeral/ the College of Cardinals and Compatriots will decide) I clarify what I have in mind: the archbishop of Krakow and the General Council of the Episcopate of Poland -- I ask the College of Cardinals in the meantime to satisfy as far as possible the eventual demands of those listed.
1.III.1985 (during the spiritual exercises) Again -- regarding the expression "College of Cardinals and Compatriots": the "College of Cardinals" has no obligation to consult "the Compatriots" on this question; it can nonetheless do so if for any reason it finds it appropriate. JPII
The spiritual exercises of the jubilee year 2000 (12-18-lll)
1. When on October 16 1978 the conclave of cardinals chose John Paul II, the primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski told me: "the task of the new pope will be to introduce the Church to the third millennium. I don't know if I repeat the phrase exactly, but at least that is the sense of what I then heard. This was said by the man who has passed into history as the Primate of the Millennium. A great Primate. I was a witness to his mission, to his total dedication. To his struggle: to his victory. "Victory when it comes will be a victory through Mary" -- the Primate of the Millennium used to repeat these words by his predecessor, Cardinal August Hlond. In this way I was in some way prepared for the task that was presented to me on October 16, 1978 In the moment I write these words, the Jubilee year of 2000 is already a reality taking place. On the night of December 24, 1999 the symbolic Great Jubilee door of St. Peter's basilica was opened followed by that of St.John in Lateran and then, on New Year's Day, that of St. Mary Major and on January 19 that of St. Paul's "outside the walls." This last event, through its ecumenical nature, particularly remains fixed in memory. As the jubilee year 2000 advances, the 20th century closes day by day behind us and the 21st century opens. According to the designs of providence, I have been given to live in the difficult century that is retreating into the past, and now in the year in which my life has reached the 80th year ("octogesima adveniens), I have to ask myself whether it is not time to repeat the Nunc dimittis." (Now lettest thou thy servant depart) with the Biblical Simeone. On May 13, 1981, the day of the attack on the pope during the general audience in St. Peter's Square, Divine Providence saved me miraculously from death. With Him who is the only Lord of life and death, even He has prolonged this life and in a certain sense has given me a new one. From this moment it belongs even more to Him. I hope that He will assist me to recognize how long I should continue in this service, to which he called me on October 16, 1978. I ask Him to call me when He wills. "Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's" (cf Romans 14,8). I also hope that so long as I have the responsibility for the Petrine service of the Church, the Mercy of God will give me the strength necessary to perform this service. As in every year during the spiritual exercises, I have re-read my testament of 6.III. 1979, I continue to maintain the arrangements contained therein. What was added then and in subsequent spiritual exercises constitutes a reflection on the difficult and tense general situation that marked the 1980s. After the Autumn of 1989, this situation has changed. The last decade of the last century was free of the preceding tensions; that does not mean that it did not bring new problems and difficulties. In particular, may Divine Providence be praised for this, that the period of so-called "Cold War" has ended without the violent nuclear conflict of which the danger weighed on the world in the preceding period. Standing on the threshold of the third millennio "in medio Ecclesiae" (in the midst of the Church), I wish also to express gratitude to the Holy Spirit for the great Gift of the Second Vatican Council, to which with the entire Church -- and above all with the entire episcopate - I feel I am in debt. I am convinced that for a long time yet new generations will drink from the source of riches that this Council of the Twentieth century has lavished on us. As a bishop who participated in this conciliar event from the first day to the last, I wish to entrust this great heritage to all those who are and who will in future be called to fulfil it. For my part, I thank the eternal Shepherd who has allowed me to serve this very great cause in the course of all the years of my pontificate. "In medio Ecclesiae" ... from the very first years of service as a bishop -- precisely because of the Council -- I have been able to experience the brotherly communion of the Episcopate. As a priest in the Archdiocese of Krakow, I experienced what could be the fraternal communion of the presbytery -- the Council has opened a new dimension to this experience. How many people should I mention! Probably the Lord God has called most of them to Himself - as for those who still find themselves in these parts, may the words of this testament remember them, all of them, and wherever they may be. In the course of the more than twenty years in which I have carried out the service of Peter "in medio Ecclesiae" I have experienced the benevolent and so fruitful collaboration of so many Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops, so many priests, so many consecrated people -- Brothers and Sisters -- and last not least so many lay people in the circle of the curia, in the vicariate of the Rome diocese, as well as further afield. How can I not embrace with grateful memory all the Episcopates of the world, with whom I have met during the successive visits "ad limina Apostolorum!" (to the shrines of the Apostles). How can I not remember so many Christian Brothers -- non-Catholics! And the rabbi of Rome and so many representatives of the non-Christian religions! And how many representatives of the worlds of culture, of science, of politics and the means of social communication! As the limits of my earthly life approach, I return to the memories of the beginning, of my Parents, of my Brother and Sister (who I did not know because she died before my birth), of the parish of Wadowice where I was baptized, of my beloved hometown, of the people of my age, companions of my elementary school, high school and university up to the time of the occupation when I worked as a laborer, and next in the parish of Niegowie, the Cracov parish of St. Floriano, of my pastoral work among the academics ... of the circles .. to all the circles ... of Krakov and Rome ... to the people people who in a special way have been entrusted to my by the Lord. To all, I wish to say this one thing: "May God reward you." "In manus Tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum" (Into Your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit).
Thursday, April 07, 2005
these days, work alot, having no time for study, next week have to cancel all the work and have to start to study and finish the AIS assignment, have to get 80% (the target).
Tomorrow, will attend the Requim Mass for Pope at Uni, celebrate by Father Tan.
tired, need to break for all this things happened in my life, need to write cover letter and fixed my resume, need to apply for graduate position back to the country then, have to make target company list.
Jia You!!!
these days, work alot, having no time for study, next week have to cancel all the work and have to start to study and finish the AIS assignment, have to get 80% (the target).
Tomorrow, will attend the Requim Mass for Pope at Uni, celebrate by Father Tan.
tired, need to break for all this things happened in my life, need to write cover letter and fixed my resume, need to apply for graduate position back to the country then, have to make target company list.
Jia You!!!
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
My life has been so lost this lately….
Last week was Easter break, I did nothing to my study, it seemed that I ignored my study these days. Since the plan to Goldcoast unsuccessed, then what I want to plan seem no realization.
I am so lost….. then that guy’s case, jadinya g sering chat ama dia, trus kadang2 bagus jg sih, dia jadi korban kekesalan g yang dengan setia mendengarkan n terima gitu, beda ama nana yg then defence herself :) trus last night, afai jg jadi korban celaan gue tuh. G cela2 tuh undangan kawinnya dia yang pake huruf silver and warna merah, he even can defense himself quite strong with funny face, but I felt sorry for abon, moga2 aja ga tersinggung soal invitationnya
Intinya g lagi kacau balau neh n trying to set up my life properly in these 2 days. Gara2 kerja almost everyday demi $$$, kegiatan study jadi berantakan begitu.
So hopefully besok will be the last day to work, then I can start to arrange my life again :P
Just now, unplanned,
Last week was Easter break, I did nothing to my study, it seemed that I ignored my study these days. Since the plan to Goldcoast unsuccessed, then what I want to plan seem no realization.
I am so lost….. then that guy’s case, jadinya g sering chat ama dia, trus kadang2 bagus jg sih, dia jadi korban kekesalan g yang dengan setia mendengarkan n terima gitu, beda ama nana yg then defence herself :) trus last night, afai jg jadi korban celaan gue tuh. G cela2 tuh undangan kawinnya dia yang pake huruf silver and warna merah, he even can defense himself quite strong with funny face, but I felt sorry for abon, moga2 aja ga tersinggung soal invitationnya
Intinya g lagi kacau balau neh n trying to set up my life properly in these 2 days. Gara2 kerja almost everyday demi $$$, kegiatan study jadi berantakan begitu.
So hopefully besok will be the last day to work, then I can start to arrange my life again :P
Just now, unplanned,
Monday, April 04, 2005
Don’t know what to do….
I have made a lot of promises. Don’t know which one I can fulfill first.
Last Saturday I went to Manly Beach, the beach that Oz people claim as the best beach in Oz. Kind of disappointed. Arrived there at around 12.30pm, the beach was full with people sunbathing, a friend of mine say wuih, banyak banget orang jemur ikan asin hehehe, then we only taking pictures.
Yesterday, Pope had died, farewell Pope….
A bit regret that I didn’t go to St. Mary. I saw the bell rang in tv, and then ended up at Nana’s place copying pics and mp3. that guy also went there brought his HD, gile kan, then went to atien’s place just to pick up the cd. He also told me about atien and gib, her msia’ friend, a bit weird with that couple, I don’t know what to do then
As the effect of the promises I have made, I felt that my time is not enough for me to catch up everything. After he told me what he felt, I felt a bit “bu si kuan” when seeing him. I promise to him already that I wont avoid him. I kept my promise, but this morning I felt a little bit annoyed by his phone call, in the middle of my working, untung managernya ga ada di depan gue. Oh ya one more thing, early in the morning, he also send me sms, sound like jia you for working, duh mateng aja kan? Then in the afternoon I had to call me to pay all the debt that everyone ‘titip’ on me :)
Finished working at 3.40 pm then heading to uni, to the lab, and the lab assistant teach the machine how to use myob not teach student how to used myob, damn!!
Then at 6-8pm, class, guest lecturer by staff from BAT
Go home, plan to watch Desperate Housewives, but in the middle of the drama, anet called awen, and she spoke loudly then I got angry, go to room and surf the internet. Drpd g ntn ga tenang, rese, mending g balik ke kamar maen internet, rese dehhhh
Ok then
Back tomolo
I have made a lot of promises. Don’t know which one I can fulfill first.
Last Saturday I went to Manly Beach, the beach that Oz people claim as the best beach in Oz. Kind of disappointed. Arrived there at around 12.30pm, the beach was full with people sunbathing, a friend of mine say wuih, banyak banget orang jemur ikan asin hehehe, then we only taking pictures.
Yesterday, Pope had died, farewell Pope….
A bit regret that I didn’t go to St. Mary. I saw the bell rang in tv, and then ended up at Nana’s place copying pics and mp3. that guy also went there brought his HD, gile kan, then went to atien’s place just to pick up the cd. He also told me about atien and gib, her msia’ friend, a bit weird with that couple, I don’t know what to do then
As the effect of the promises I have made, I felt that my time is not enough for me to catch up everything. After he told me what he felt, I felt a bit “bu si kuan” when seeing him. I promise to him already that I wont avoid him. I kept my promise, but this morning I felt a little bit annoyed by his phone call, in the middle of my working, untung managernya ga ada di depan gue. Oh ya one more thing, early in the morning, he also send me sms, sound like jia you for working, duh mateng aja kan? Then in the afternoon I had to call me to pay all the debt that everyone ‘titip’ on me :)
Finished working at 3.40 pm then heading to uni, to the lab, and the lab assistant teach the machine how to use myob not teach student how to used myob, damn!!
Then at 6-8pm, class, guest lecturer by staff from BAT
Go home, plan to watch Desperate Housewives, but in the middle of the drama, anet called awen, and she spoke loudly then I got angry, go to room and surf the internet. Drpd g ntn ga tenang, rese, mending g balik ke kamar maen internet, rese dehhhh
Ok then
Back tomolo
Saturday, April 02, 2005

Manly Beach
today I went to this beach. Every one say that the most beautiful beach in sydney, but i can prove that was wrong. in my opinion, bondi still the best. waktu sampe di manly, duh penuh sesak, banyak yg jemur ikan asin hehehehe aka people are sunbathing, till no space at all.
Overall, terpenuhi sudah salah satu keinginan gue yg belum tercapai ini hehehheehee, eh ada max benner lage di sono. duh jadi pengen ke chatswood lage, teahouse.... :P
Friday, April 01, 2005
Quite cerdik ....
this time i was quite cerdik to guess, and i even can feel it. There must be something with him.
and I was right, i was being compared to her gf, and he said his gf have similarity with. Duh untung I have no feeling at all about that. G anggap as one of my best buddies that i can share my opinions n views. kl he expect more than that mah susah.
mateng aje kl dia baca ini hehehe, but i didnt mention the name.
i started to curious since he talked to me about my shirt, then i guest there must be something wrong with him. then when preparing atien's bday, again, he asked me to set the budgeting. I dont want to guest too quickly but then this afternoon, "throwing" the present to me and asked me to wrap it. that such attitude made it clear. :P or this is an april mop fun? well i enjoy it anyway...
today also april mop and sialan, si amanda berhasil ngerjain g lagi, dgn alasan bilang mau married and engaged at the end of this month, g kan jadi bingung, jadi ada 2 events for the next month, taunya diboongin hahha, kocak jg seh g bisa dikerjain ama amanda kaya gitu
this time i was quite cerdik to guess, and i even can feel it. There must be something with him.
and I was right, i was being compared to her gf, and he said his gf have similarity with. Duh untung I have no feeling at all about that. G anggap as one of my best buddies that i can share my opinions n views. kl he expect more than that mah susah.
mateng aje kl dia baca ini hehehe, but i didnt mention the name.
i started to curious since he talked to me about my shirt, then i guest there must be something wrong with him. then when preparing atien's bday, again, he asked me to set the budgeting. I dont want to guest too quickly but then this afternoon, "throwing" the present to me and asked me to wrap it. that such attitude made it clear. :P or this is an april mop fun? well i enjoy it anyway...
today also april mop and sialan, si amanda berhasil ngerjain g lagi, dgn alasan bilang mau married and engaged at the end of this month, g kan jadi bingung, jadi ada 2 events for the next month, taunya diboongin hahha, kocak jg seh g bisa dikerjain ama amanda kaya gitu
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