havent post anything for a week
so busy with working n myob
should be less busy the week after
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Stress and no way out ….
These days have been so busy. This week I have worked for three days and my timetable need to be adjust again. There are so many things happened in my life. The good and bad things, both of them came in the same time.
Still confuse and cant decide what I have to do after graduation, my sis take another big ‘instant’ step to become entrepreneur. This is such a big step and I don’t know what I should tell her for the best. Please help us, guidance us for the best.
I cant think when the last time I cried, and just now, it just come naturally. Pack with lots of problems and thinking. Never been so difficult and every thing seem so normal.
Hope the good and the best thing will come at the right time and I expect no more than that.
These days have been so busy. This week I have worked for three days and my timetable need to be adjust again. There are so many things happened in my life. The good and bad things, both of them came in the same time.
Still confuse and cant decide what I have to do after graduation, my sis take another big ‘instant’ step to become entrepreneur. This is such a big step and I don’t know what I should tell her for the best. Please help us, guidance us for the best.
I cant think when the last time I cried, and just now, it just come naturally. Pack with lots of problems and thinking. Never been so difficult and every thing seem so normal.
Hope the good and the best thing will come at the right time and I expect no more than that.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Monday, May 16, 2005
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Tis wiken
this weekend, just fixing and reformatting my laptop. it took 2 days to fixed it.
byk yg curhat ama g and g jg bingung.
about life, relationship, work, uni etc
sumtimes ada yg sentimentil kl curhat subuh2, i dont even know wat i have to say but well, face it
then si clarte gave me alot of real world advice, SMART
S= specific, artinya harus jelas target loe itu apa
M=motivated, artinya targetnya harus bisa membuat loe merasa termotivasi untuk mencapainya
A=achieveable, artinya targetnya itu harus bisa dicapai
R=realistic, artinya targetnya itu harus dapet direalisasikan
T=time band, artinya targetnya itu ada waktunya untuk kapan dicapai
this weekend, just fixing and reformatting my laptop. it took 2 days to fixed it.
byk yg curhat ama g and g jg bingung.
about life, relationship, work, uni etc
sumtimes ada yg sentimentil kl curhat subuh2, i dont even know wat i have to say but well, face it
then si clarte gave me alot of real world advice, SMART
S= specific, artinya harus jelas target loe itu apa
M=motivated, artinya targetnya harus bisa membuat loe merasa termotivasi untuk mencapainya
A=achieveable, artinya targetnya itu harus bisa dicapai
R=realistic, artinya targetnya itu harus dapet direalisasikan
T=time band, artinya targetnya itu ada waktunya untuk kapan dicapai
Friday, May 13, 2005
this is also a post from the past
last chinese new year i think :P
Diary of isenkk
22 January 2004
Happy Chinese new year. Xin nian kuai le!! Pagi2 ke ISS buat cek email than run quickly to library to catch the library class at 10 am. Setelah selesai, beli copy card $2 tapi Cuma ada account 50cent. Trus bareng fahri n rika ke medibank, buat kasih tau alamat then have lunch at oval, then go to agent property and last go to Eastgarden by bus. Duh tiket busnya boros deh. Mana travel ten doang bukan weekly pass. I bought sun screen. The sun in Sydney can cause skin cancer. Balik2 gue makan apa ya ? duh kok lupa ya ?OMG, gue kan ke dinner new year. It cost me $26.20 buat sekali makan doang neh. China banquet sih. Lumayan enak tuh, yang penting gue udah makan ikan dan mie. Tradisi Chinese new year hehehehhehe. Pulang2 jam 10 an lewat dah ngantuk n bobo
Typed 23 January 2004 10.41pm
23 January 2004
Today is Sydney Harbour Cruise day. I walk down from home at around 8.25 am for 5 minutes walk to bus stop then take the bus for 10 minutes to get to uni. I walk to ISS for about 7 minutes. Quite tired cos it just like climb up the hill. The UNSW is a very big uni which you need some time to explore all the things around the uni. Around 9.15 am Yew Kong came out and said that we have to catch a bus to central. Damn, he didn’t say that we have to buy brown travel 10 or brown weekly pass. I walk quickly to the union to get one with Nana. It cost me $9.8 for ten times travel. Today already used it for three times.
Arrived at Central at around 10 am, then walk quickly to harbour (?, not sure the name’s place). Just walk through Opera House and get in to the ship. At first time it was fun and the waves did ‘goyang’ quite kenceng. We were served by soda, and some light dishes. We have few kind of dishes which I don’t know the name yet. Quite delicious. First get in the ship, they welcome us with soft drinks. Then I just got around the house. First time I felt dizzy but later on, I get used to it and enjoyed. Puter2 around the opera house, kmd tiba di Watson bay buat jalan2. busyet pemandangannya indah banget. Nyesel deh ga beli digicam. Tapi ga juga ah, ga punya jadi ga susah potret2. yg ada gue tinggal jump in aja begitu ada yang mau potret.(mau enaknya doang neh) The walk was nice but tiring, mendaki trus turun trus mendaki gitu. Cape juga neh. Oh ya on the cruise, yew kong keluarin game, minta tiap2 dr kita tanya deh, who can play piano, who saw movie last week, ya sebagai ajang perkenalan lah. Tapi kurang banyak neh yang cakep. Trus ada neh 1 co Korean yang cakep banget, he will study about optometric, ato tentang kacamata gitu, ya orangnya sih friendly. Cool and cakep, even better dibandingkan ama co2 vietnam itu. Sayang, mereka juga scholarship student. Btw his name is chu/zhu. It is so difficult to pronounce their name, tapi his name remind me of XT, oh I miss him so much. Co2 vietnam ga ada yang lumayan neh but ce2 thailand tuh pada cakep2 n cool.
Anyway, abis cruise selesai sekitar jam 2 pm gitu, kita pisah deh ama ISS officers and then we walk to bus stop to catch a bus to Chinatown. Padahal jalan aja bisa, huh, habisin tiket gue aja neh. Everything here is very expensive. But it is ok lah, since gue juga lagi mencoba2 untuk cari tau jalan. But cos me a lot. Better than not lah. Wah English gue kok jadi singlish sih? Walk to Chinatown, untung di-guide ama krisnan, kl ga pusing gue. Di ajak ke tempat jual buah n sayur murah, eh ketemu tempat jual udang masak, 1 kg $9.99. ga mahal juga, udah matang 65000 rp. Di mana mau nyari seafood yang murah di Sydney ? masuk ke mall di atas paddy’s market eh ketemu Adrian, jadi deh dia guide dadakan kita. Duh gue liat kaos Giordano $15 1 biji, kl 2 $25, pengen beli sih, tapi kok kl di rupiahkan, mahal banget ya ? aduh dilemma neh, bisa beli but kok mahal ya ? on the way home, gue singgah di tempat mbak tina biar gue minggu bisa tuh ke tempat mereka kl gue kepagian di bus stop dan ga ada orang di sono. Ke sono bareng budi, trus balik juga bareng budi, but he continue his trip to eastgarden. Nekat aja tuh dia, kayanya he can be the man buat bersandar hehehe. Sayang he is also scholarship student hahhahahaha. Not on my list. Pulang2 telp 51, trus telp suan ce, payah neh yen dah lupa ama suara gue, sebel deh. Tapi berhasil minta ang pao ama soi hia. Ehehehe, this is the nice thing. Trus telp 3 ie then I called home too, like to spend pulsa, biar abis hehehe. Lumayan $10 buat 200 minutes. Kan lumayan tuh. Pengen makan eh wenny pulang, niatnya guemau makan instant noodle tapi ga enak neh ama temen2 cell nya mereka yg udah ada di sono. Duh si abon kejam banget sih, gue Cuma liat sosis doang, eh she told me, I cant eat that. Duh, apa2an sih ? gue juga ga niat, bt dehgue n terpaksa ikut cell mereka bentar, trus balik deh sini ketik2. bt gue. N then gue telp windy hehehehe. Manfaatin free call.dah ah mau bobo ngantuk n cape banget. Duh di flat sebelah kok ribut banget ya ? apa karna long wiken ?
Dengerin lagi LH, ni he wo. Duh kangen deh jadi laper deh. Pengen makan males, bis mo ie se sih. Mau gimana lagi ?
Typed finish at 10.32 pm
last chinese new year i think :P
Diary of isenkk
22 January 2004
Happy Chinese new year. Xin nian kuai le!! Pagi2 ke ISS buat cek email than run quickly to library to catch the library class at 10 am. Setelah selesai, beli copy card $2 tapi Cuma ada account 50cent. Trus bareng fahri n rika ke medibank, buat kasih tau alamat then have lunch at oval, then go to agent property and last go to Eastgarden by bus. Duh tiket busnya boros deh. Mana travel ten doang bukan weekly pass. I bought sun screen. The sun in Sydney can cause skin cancer. Balik2 gue makan apa ya ? duh kok lupa ya ?OMG, gue kan ke dinner new year. It cost me $26.20 buat sekali makan doang neh. China banquet sih. Lumayan enak tuh, yang penting gue udah makan ikan dan mie. Tradisi Chinese new year hehehehhehe. Pulang2 jam 10 an lewat dah ngantuk n bobo
Typed 23 January 2004 10.41pm
23 January 2004
Today is Sydney Harbour Cruise day. I walk down from home at around 8.25 am for 5 minutes walk to bus stop then take the bus for 10 minutes to get to uni. I walk to ISS for about 7 minutes. Quite tired cos it just like climb up the hill. The UNSW is a very big uni which you need some time to explore all the things around the uni. Around 9.15 am Yew Kong came out and said that we have to catch a bus to central. Damn, he didn’t say that we have to buy brown travel 10 or brown weekly pass. I walk quickly to the union to get one with Nana. It cost me $9.8 for ten times travel. Today already used it for three times.
Arrived at Central at around 10 am, then walk quickly to harbour (?, not sure the name’s place). Just walk through Opera House and get in to the ship. At first time it was fun and the waves did ‘goyang’ quite kenceng. We were served by soda, and some light dishes. We have few kind of dishes which I don’t know the name yet. Quite delicious. First get in the ship, they welcome us with soft drinks. Then I just got around the house. First time I felt dizzy but later on, I get used to it and enjoyed. Puter2 around the opera house, kmd tiba di Watson bay buat jalan2. busyet pemandangannya indah banget. Nyesel deh ga beli digicam. Tapi ga juga ah, ga punya jadi ga susah potret2. yg ada gue tinggal jump in aja begitu ada yang mau potret.(mau enaknya doang neh) The walk was nice but tiring, mendaki trus turun trus mendaki gitu. Cape juga neh. Oh ya on the cruise, yew kong keluarin game, minta tiap2 dr kita tanya deh, who can play piano, who saw movie last week, ya sebagai ajang perkenalan lah. Tapi kurang banyak neh yang cakep. Trus ada neh 1 co Korean yang cakep banget, he will study about optometric, ato tentang kacamata gitu, ya orangnya sih friendly. Cool and cakep, even better dibandingkan ama co2 vietnam itu. Sayang, mereka juga scholarship student. Btw his name is chu/zhu. It is so difficult to pronounce their name, tapi his name remind me of XT, oh I miss him so much. Co2 vietnam ga ada yang lumayan neh but ce2 thailand tuh pada cakep2 n cool.
Anyway, abis cruise selesai sekitar jam 2 pm gitu, kita pisah deh ama ISS officers and then we walk to bus stop to catch a bus to Chinatown. Padahal jalan aja bisa, huh, habisin tiket gue aja neh. Everything here is very expensive. But it is ok lah, since gue juga lagi mencoba2 untuk cari tau jalan. But cos me a lot. Better than not lah. Wah English gue kok jadi singlish sih? Walk to Chinatown, untung di-guide ama krisnan, kl ga pusing gue. Di ajak ke tempat jual buah n sayur murah, eh ketemu tempat jual udang masak, 1 kg $9.99. ga mahal juga, udah matang 65000 rp. Di mana mau nyari seafood yang murah di Sydney ? masuk ke mall di atas paddy’s market eh ketemu Adrian, jadi deh dia guide dadakan kita. Duh gue liat kaos Giordano $15 1 biji, kl 2 $25, pengen beli sih, tapi kok kl di rupiahkan, mahal banget ya ? aduh dilemma neh, bisa beli but kok mahal ya ? on the way home, gue singgah di tempat mbak tina biar gue minggu bisa tuh ke tempat mereka kl gue kepagian di bus stop dan ga ada orang di sono. Ke sono bareng budi, trus balik juga bareng budi, but he continue his trip to eastgarden. Nekat aja tuh dia, kayanya he can be the man buat bersandar hehehe. Sayang he is also scholarship student hahhahahaha. Not on my list. Pulang2 telp 51, trus telp suan ce, payah neh yen dah lupa ama suara gue, sebel deh. Tapi berhasil minta ang pao ama soi hia. Ehehehe, this is the nice thing. Trus telp 3 ie then I called home too, like to spend pulsa, biar abis hehehe. Lumayan $10 buat 200 minutes. Kan lumayan tuh. Pengen makan eh wenny pulang, niatnya guemau makan instant noodle tapi ga enak neh ama temen2 cell nya mereka yg udah ada di sono. Duh si abon kejam banget sih, gue Cuma liat sosis doang, eh she told me, I cant eat that. Duh, apa2an sih ? gue juga ga niat, bt dehgue n terpaksa ikut cell mereka bentar, trus balik deh sini ketik2. bt gue. N then gue telp windy hehehehe. Manfaatin free call.dah ah mau bobo ngantuk n cape banget. Duh di flat sebelah kok ribut banget ya ? apa karna long wiken ?
Dengerin lagi LH, ni he wo. Duh kangen deh jadi laper deh. Pengen makan males, bis mo ie se sih. Mau gimana lagi ?
Typed finish at 10.32 pm
a post from the past
I cant remember i have post this or not but anyway, i;ll post it again
did the supplement yesterday, no ended quite well, but hope miracle will help me. Plssssss….
Then I went to unimac, asking about the iPod prices and guess what, the type that I wanted was not available in that store anymore. Sebel dehhhh, udah prepare bulet2 mau order yg itu eh ga ada, adanya malah kudu add some $150 to the new model. And right now, I have strong intention to buy that model. Dilemma… dilemma…., see what happen tomolo morning when I get up, k?
Felt a bit upset with coolvrb cos sebel aja gitu loh, she always want everything she want to be fulfilled and don’t care what other people think/want. I will cancel the party tomolo and tell her I am going to Newcastle with friends from Melbourne, yg mana dr melb Cuma seorang doang hihihihihihiii. Felt a bit strange jg cos my roomie was not invited to her party while her best friends were invited. Makin sebel aja ama tuh orang
Felt peaceful a bit when I checked my unimail cos the result was reveal and I pass my subject although there is one that I expect more than that. But thank you for Lord’s help, thx for His companion during my weakness time. Also thx to Amanda, she help me a lot too, by accompany me to the class, take the same class twice and help each other to survive in that “horrible “class hehehhe.
After finished the exam yesterday, I went to Opera house and meet some friends there then have dinner at the pancakes. Quite nice place but I went there with bunch of ‘quite’ annoying people, all of the are ‘huan nang’. As usual I become the ‘stranger’ in the group. Some are nice to me but then the costume that I don’t used to it.
Hearing banana has lot of traveling next week made me felt bad, I don’t know what the intention behind this and it really made me a bit jealous. Sebel ihhh, or gue yg lagi sensitive neh ?
About Adrian and his sister, well, they are really nice people although sometimes I saw it as bit kiasu, but I think it is about care matter. Really terharu when I asked his sister to lend the lecture notes to me and the time I went to his place, only 3 levels up :P, quite close huh?, they talked and chat along with me, gave me support for the exam. They are really really nice, can u imagine? I just knew him for about 8 months in 1997 and now he become so nice person although he is totally stingy person. Duh intinya sih gue bener2 terharu aja, even the night before the exam, he called me and asked, have u really ready? Have a good sleep. And wish me all the best. What kind of friend that I have? I was blessed. Thx Lord. Even my own friends aja ga begitu terhadap gue. Wuihhhhh, Christmas present in advance. Hope I will pass this time
Love life, hmm rada males bahas soal ini soalnya ga mood, padahal gue tau si harle pasti tunggu komen gue soal ini deh, sorry sis, I am not in the mood to talk about this rite now
Speaking bout prayer, to do a pray at specific time every day seems hard to me, ada aja halangannya or because this is the challenge of this prayer? Oh help me :P
Sabtu blue mountain
Olympic park
Euroka, blue mountain national park kanggoro
Wentworth falss
3 sisters
train 52degree
Sunday 12 dec 2004
Fishmarket, church
Harbour side
Nuddy beach
Dinner benjamas
King Edward park
Port Stephen
Fish n chip
Dolphin cruise
Keliling beach lagi
Brunch subway
Uni of Newcastle
Bangun kepagian deh gara2 weker mati menunjukkan jam 10am, eh jam di hp baru jam 8, ya sudahlah.
Naek tower kok ga ajak2 gue yah? Sebel ihhh, but g jg kudu hemat sih. Aga2 sebel aja tuhhhh ga diajak. I will go with my big family :P
Citi, cari buku
Nana’s place
Darling harbour
Nana’s place, copi pic
The domain
Irvie’s place, moving
Chinatown – iffy
Dinner at nana’s
Getting kurus?
Hmm I hate that when people meet me and say, getting kurus ya? Sial, mau kurus di mana? Celana aja tetep sempit gitu? Even the smallest size of jeans that I have.
Today Sunday is quite hot, I think about 35 degrees and I have to travel to irvie’s new place and go to Chinatown to meet iffy and friends.
Bbq n ke bondi junction and bondi beach
Kerja jg tapi tetep ke eastgarden
Brunch at 3pm,
Nite, watch amasing race and apprentice.
Then komplen soal awen yg tinggalin cucian and then other people ga cuciin. Hmm this is big problem, jadinya keenakan dia dong yang selalu leave dirty plates and glasses. Emang gue orang babunya?
I cant remember i have post this or not but anyway, i;ll post it again
did the supplement yesterday, no ended quite well, but hope miracle will help me. Plssssss….
Then I went to unimac, asking about the iPod prices and guess what, the type that I wanted was not available in that store anymore. Sebel dehhhh, udah prepare bulet2 mau order yg itu eh ga ada, adanya malah kudu add some $150 to the new model. And right now, I have strong intention to buy that model. Dilemma… dilemma…., see what happen tomolo morning when I get up, k?
Felt a bit upset with coolvrb cos sebel aja gitu loh, she always want everything she want to be fulfilled and don’t care what other people think/want. I will cancel the party tomolo and tell her I am going to Newcastle with friends from Melbourne, yg mana dr melb Cuma seorang doang hihihihihihiii. Felt a bit strange jg cos my roomie was not invited to her party while her best friends were invited. Makin sebel aja ama tuh orang
Felt peaceful a bit when I checked my unimail cos the result was reveal and I pass my subject although there is one that I expect more than that. But thank you for Lord’s help, thx for His companion during my weakness time. Also thx to Amanda, she help me a lot too, by accompany me to the class, take the same class twice and help each other to survive in that “horrible “class hehehhe.
After finished the exam yesterday, I went to Opera house and meet some friends there then have dinner at the pancakes. Quite nice place but I went there with bunch of ‘quite’ annoying people, all of the are ‘huan nang’. As usual I become the ‘stranger’ in the group. Some are nice to me but then the costume that I don’t used to it.
Hearing banana has lot of traveling next week made me felt bad, I don’t know what the intention behind this and it really made me a bit jealous. Sebel ihhh, or gue yg lagi sensitive neh ?
About Adrian and his sister, well, they are really nice people although sometimes I saw it as bit kiasu, but I think it is about care matter. Really terharu when I asked his sister to lend the lecture notes to me and the time I went to his place, only 3 levels up :P, quite close huh?, they talked and chat along with me, gave me support for the exam. They are really really nice, can u imagine? I just knew him for about 8 months in 1997 and now he become so nice person although he is totally stingy person. Duh intinya sih gue bener2 terharu aja, even the night before the exam, he called me and asked, have u really ready? Have a good sleep. And wish me all the best. What kind of friend that I have? I was blessed. Thx Lord. Even my own friends aja ga begitu terhadap gue. Wuihhhhh, Christmas present in advance. Hope I will pass this time
Love life, hmm rada males bahas soal ini soalnya ga mood, padahal gue tau si harle pasti tunggu komen gue soal ini deh, sorry sis, I am not in the mood to talk about this rite now
Speaking bout prayer, to do a pray at specific time every day seems hard to me, ada aja halangannya or because this is the challenge of this prayer? Oh help me :P
Sabtu blue mountain
Olympic park
Euroka, blue mountain national park kanggoro
Wentworth falss
3 sisters
train 52degree
Sunday 12 dec 2004
Fishmarket, church
Harbour side
Nuddy beach
Dinner benjamas
King Edward park
Port Stephen
Fish n chip
Dolphin cruise
Keliling beach lagi
Brunch subway
Uni of Newcastle
Bangun kepagian deh gara2 weker mati menunjukkan jam 10am, eh jam di hp baru jam 8, ya sudahlah.
Naek tower kok ga ajak2 gue yah? Sebel ihhh, but g jg kudu hemat sih. Aga2 sebel aja tuhhhh ga diajak. I will go with my big family :P
Citi, cari buku
Nana’s place
Darling harbour
Nana’s place, copi pic
The domain
Irvie’s place, moving
Chinatown – iffy
Dinner at nana’s
Getting kurus?
Hmm I hate that when people meet me and say, getting kurus ya? Sial, mau kurus di mana? Celana aja tetep sempit gitu? Even the smallest size of jeans that I have.
Today Sunday is quite hot, I think about 35 degrees and I have to travel to irvie’s new place and go to Chinatown to meet iffy and friends.
Bbq n ke bondi junction and bondi beach
Kerja jg tapi tetep ke eastgarden
Brunch at 3pm,
Nite, watch amasing race and apprentice.
Then komplen soal awen yg tinggalin cucian and then other people ga cuciin. Hmm this is big problem, jadinya keenakan dia dong yang selalu leave dirty plates and glasses. Emang gue orang babunya?
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
LAzy, no in the mood
Today, went to walk-in interview with one of the biggest company in Indo, but they dissapointed me a lot. not on time, didnt even ask my resume and transcipts and i didnt want to hand in to them too. well, this is another experience in the recuitment process with 'famous' company :(
have many story to tell but to lazy to type
well another day has gone and leave me doing nothing at all
Today, went to walk-in interview with one of the biggest company in Indo, but they dissapointed me a lot. not on time, didnt even ask my resume and transcipts and i didnt want to hand in to them too. well, this is another experience in the recuitment process with 'famous' company :(
have many story to tell but to lazy to type
well another day has gone and leave me doing nothing at all
Friday, May 06, 2005

myday cake, tampak dr seberang :P
A week has passed and also my age :( I am getting older now.
Last week was my bday. Housemates were giving me a surprise bday cake at 12am, then we took pics and ate noodle :) well I was pretty surprise because last week everyone was busy and I was not expecting people to remember my bday. Evey one busy with their own things. Then at noon I went to church with uni’s friends and they also prepared a surprise lunch for me. Wow this bday I have 2 cakes and blew the candles twice, weird :P
Well, I was pretty happy with this bday cos it was special, the age was special for me because I like the numbers :)
Well this week, there has been a lot of things happening. I keep reminding myself of not online every night and become batman but I still alive till dawn. Chatting, downloading, playing games etc that keep me busy at night.
Last mon, tue and wed were the hectic days I ever had. I had exam on wed night and the questions were sucks, most of it :(. There were 11 questions with negative marking and the choices only true and false. What the h… ? I am taking postgraduate level education and I still have to face the true and false question in the exam? Is that testing the ability to take the right decision or testing ur memory, checking whether u memorize the textbook or not? Make me angry!! But anyway, it was over now and this time I am waiting the result… (worry again)
Then yesterday, Thursday, he made a confession again, told me that he need to discuss some issues with me. I can guess actually what he is going to say to me but u cant guess how he will tell me. And yesterday, the day was pretty hectic, after the church, I was copying desperate housewives for myself :P and then went to international career expo, to search for my probable future employers :) then finally he have a chance to tell me that there is rumor between us. Well I didn’t expect this to happen and he said he had told nana about this and told her, that this is impossible. Hahaha, g sih ga pusing cos I don’t felt anything and I don’t think dirugikan jgdanmerugikan cos yg menyebabkan hal ini terjadi jg bukan gue. Buset dah, g cuek banget yah? Gue cuma menganggap he is one of my good friends, belum sampe tahap best friends like other. He claimed that I have given him a lot of advices (??) which I doubted hahaahaha. Well, I prefer to have a lots of friend drpd mush lah but I don’t know how to clarify this problem yg menurut g sih cuekin aja, karna g emang cuek. Well, at this stage, at least I poured out what I think about this.
Lately, my relationship with vie and atien lumayan longgar. I don’t know why but yg jelas kl vie tuh lagi stress berat sama tugas PhD and atien yg menurut g, suka tidak mau bergabung dgn kita2 lagi, she had a secret ? well, terserah she, anyway, I don’t care or too cuek? Well, I care about my friends but they seem don’t want me to interrupt to their life so what can I do? Well I am going back to indo, don’t want to care ahhhhh
Forget it!!!!
Dah ahhh pusinggggg, mending g belajar aja infosys and myob :P
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
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